Learn about secrets that only those who lived in Germany may know
Learn about secrets that only those who lived in Germany may know  1---1243
1. Football
Germans love football very much. For example, when Bayern Munich has an important match, the entire city - from children to grandmothers - shows its support for the team by wearing red clothes.
2. German bread
Germans consider German bread to be the best in terms of variety, taste, quality and also because it is healthy.
3. Punctuality
Germans are famous for their discipline and punctuality, and you need to adapt to that to make friends with them. Therefore, you should always arrive five minutes before an appointment or meeting.
4. Sunday
Sunday is a day of rest as one should not work. According to the Germans' belief.
As for shopping on Sunday, it is not possible in Germany except in rare cases, because most stores are closed, and the only exceptions are small shops at train and gas stations and restaurants.
5. The question “How are you?”
You may have already met a German acquaintance and wondered why you were getting a 15-minute detailed explanation about his health, finances and life just because you said “How are you?”. This is because the phrase “How are you?” It is not just a polite phrase in German, but a real question that requires an answer as clearly as any other.
6 Staring at people
Germans have a problem with staring, so don't be surprised when you find that the old lady next door is watching your every move. Or that the passenger opposite you on the subway can't miss the opportunity to enjoy your face. They consider this habit to be a way of making eye contact and nothing more.
7. Sense of humor
I know it's hard to believe, but it is said that Germans have a good sense of humor, and they love to laugh a lot. The strange thing is that non-Germans often do not understand what is funny in their words, as “German humor” is usually based on rude and incomprehensible phrases, but they become funny simply because of the context in which they are addressed.
8. The seriousness of the Germans
Germans often speak directly and do not evade or lie. Therefore, when you talk to them, you feel that they are serious about everything, even when joking.

Source: websites