It is time to respond to all those who deny science
It is time to respond to all those who deny science 1---700
1. The Earth is not flat, it is spherical.
This is supported by much mathematical evidence, including images of the Earth
From space and geological observations. For all countries of the world
2. Globe is a scientific term that refers to planet Earth.
3. The space of the universe is the empty space between planets, stars, and galaxies
It is known scientifically as a partial vacuum that is not completely free of gas and dust particles
4. The laws of physics are a set of laws and principles that govern the behavior of the universe and have been tried and tested over and over again.
When someone denies it, it is only because he does not know about it
5. The International Space Station (ISS) is one of the real space stations that orbits the Earth and hosts astronauts of all nationalities and religions. You can see it, photograph it, and calculate its speed and altitude.
6. Space flights took place over the decades and were fully documented by several major countries, and there is no way to deceive or mislead them, as it will be revealed immediately by everyone.
7. The age of the Earth has been determined to be about 4.5 billion years by geological research and qualitative gradations in rock layers over time.
8. Planet Earth cannot be compared to the universe because of the enormous size of the universe.
9. Geologic eras are well-known divisions of time that are supported by evidence.
10. The ozone hole is a real environmental problem that affects the atmosphere.
11. The solar system includes the sun and all the planets
And the objects that revolve around it.
12. Gravity is a well-known natural force that attracts objects toward the center of mass.
13. Black holes are real space structures
It has been extensively studied and photographed
14. Outer space is the space between celestial bodies
It has been fully explored.

15. Evaporation of sea water is a natural process related to the water cycle.
16. There are real satellite stations in space from very many countries
Used for communications, research and surveillance.
17. Aliens may be found in the future
It is unknown now. ((And He creates what you do not know))
18. Dinosaurs are real creatures and lived in the past
It left its traces as fossils in many regions and different countries
19. Millions of light years
It is a unit of distance and refers to the vast distance in the universe.
20. The Big Bang is the existing scientific theory that explains the beginning of the universe. It is the closest description of the beginning of the universe and does not discuss the existence of a Creator or not.
21. Humans have appeared on Earth, as their discovered traces indicate
Millions of years ago, not a few thousand as some claim
All this information is supported by scientific evidence
Realistic observations and scientific research.
Only the ill-informed would deny it
The universe_and_space_our_world

Source: websites