?What do you know about Laos
?What do you know about Laos  1-779
1. Laos is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia.
2. The country's population is about 7 million people.
3. The official language is Lao, also known as Lao.
4. Laos is known for its mountainous terrain and extensive network of rivers, including the Mekong.
5. The country gained its independence from France in 1953.
6. The ethnic composition of Laos is diverse, with more than 160 ethnic groups.
7. The Old Town of Luang Prabang is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
8. Laos has a strong Buddhist culture, with many temples and monasteries.
9. The country is known for its traditional weaving and handicrafts.

10. Laos has one of the lowest population densities in Asia.
11. The national dish is laab, which is a minced meat salad, often served with sticky rice.
12. The country was greatly affected by unexploded ordnance (UXO) from the Vietnam War era.
13. Laos is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
14. The country has a tropical monsoon climate, with a distinct wet and dry season.
15. The country is rich in biodiversity, with many endemic species.
16. Laos is one of the few remaining communist countries in the world.
17. The annual Bon Bi Mai, or Lao New Year, festival is one of the most important celebrations in the country.

Source: websites