The Assyrian city of Kalah (Nimrud)
The Assyrian city of Kalah (Nimrud) 1--351
Assyria was the capital of the Assyrian Empire, but because of its distance from the places of military operations, King Assyria Nasir Pal II rebuilt the Assyrian city of Kalah (Nimrud) and made it a military capital to house barracks for soldiers and military equipment.
The Assyrian king built a huge wall around it supported by towers and defensive forts.
He supplied the capital with water through a canal extended from the Upper Zab, and planted beautiful gardens in it that included many types of plants that he brought from many places during his military conquests.
Because the river level dropped to trickle levels in the summer, many wells were drilled in it
Due to the king's multi-faceted personality, he established a zoo in his city that included multiple and unique types of animals that were brought as war spoils or presented as tribute from conquered peoples.

Source: Mesopotamian’s history of Art/babylon the gate of gods/Zuhair Sahib_Part Three