?Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guinea: Why
Three countries include the word Guinea in their name
•• Guinea is the largest in area and became independent from France in 1958, and therefore its inhabitants speak French.
•• Guinea Bissau gained independence from Portugal in 1973 and therefore speaks a language that uses Portuguese letters
•• Equatorial Guinea gained independence from Spain in 1968 and therefore speaks its language.
Geographically, Guinea and Guinea Bissau are adjacent to the border, while Equatorial Guinea is not adjacent to either of them. Rather, Guinea Bissau added “Bissau,” the name of its capital, to the name of the state in order to distinguish between it and the state of Guinea.
•• The term Guinea has different sources in its origin, although some of them indicate that the Spaniards derived it from their Portuguese neighbors, who gave this name to all the regions south of the Senegal River to refer to the indigenous inhabitants of those lands in the fifteenth century AD.
The Portuguese carried the term with them to Oceania, so there is a country called Papua New Guinea located north of Australia that carries this term in its name.
Source: websites