Diomede Islands...4 kilometers apart, but the time difference between them is 21 hours
Diomede Islands...4 kilometers apart, but the time difference between them is 21 hours 13-725
The two islands are close in space and have a time difference of 21 hours
The two Diomede Islands lie side by side in the Bering Strait, which separates Alaska in the United States and Siberia in Russia.
Have you ever imagined that you were on the shore of an island, while your friend was standing on the shore of another island opposite you, only about 4 kilometers away, but if you went to him, you would have moved 21 hours into the past?
Would you then consider traveling to your friend? Knowing that the distance would only take you 40 minutes on foot (if the water between you is frozen, of course), or less if you took a passing ship.
This journey will take you through space and time, as you will arrive at your friend the day before your travel day; as if you traveled today to arrive yesterday, and thus gain 21 additional hours.
You may do this out of love for traveling to the past, and of course to see your friend! But will your friend also accept your invitation to travel to him across this short distance, which will cause him to lose 21 hours of his time? To find himself the next day, although he has only traveled 40 minutes?
Diomede Islands...4 kilometers apart, but the time difference between them is 21 hours 13-727
Location of Diomede Island between Alaska in the United States and Russia
exotic islands
This is not a scene in a science fiction novel where you travel through time, but a real-life reality that you can experience practically once you travel to the Diomede Islands.
These islands were discovered by the Danish-Russian explorer Vitus Bering, and were named after Saint Diomede, as the day of their discovery coincided with the day the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of that saint.
Diomede Islands...4 kilometers apart, but the time difference between them is 21 hours 13-728
Geographically, the two Diomede Islands are located side by side in the Bering Strait that separates Alaska in the United States from Siberia in Russia; Big Diomede Island belongs to Russia, while Little Diomede Island belongs to the United States. Thus, these two rocky islands are located in the middle of the distance separating the continents of Asia and North America.
Temporally, the two islands lie on either side of the International Date Line, an imaginary dividing line that runs through the Pacific Ocean and where today's time begins and ends. It is thus the distinguishing line between today's calendar and yesterday's calendar. Therefore, any traveler crossing this dividing line must adjust his or her time by a full day.
Diomede Islands...4 kilometers apart, but the time difference between them is 21 hours 13--249
Little Diomede Island is still inhabited by some of its indigenous inhabitants
exotic islands
This is not a scene in a science fiction novel where you travel through time, but a real-life reality that you can experience practically once you travel to the Diomede Islands.
These islands were discovered by the Danish-Russian explorer Vitus Bering, and were named after Saint Diomede, as the day of their discovery coincided with the day the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of that saint.
Geographically, the two Diomede Islands are located side by side in the Bering Strait that separates Alaska in the United States from Siberia in Russia; Big Diomede Island belongs to Russia, while Little Diomede Island belongs to the United States. Thus, these two rocky islands are located in the middle of the distance separating the continents of Asia and North America.
Temporally, the two islands lie on either side of the International Date Line, an imaginary dividing line that runs through the Pacific Ocean and where today's time begins and ends. It is thus the distinguishing line between today's calendar and yesterday's calendar. Therefore, any traveler crossing this dividing line must adjust his or her time by a full day.
Diomede Islands...4 kilometers apart, but the time difference between them is 21 hours 13--250
Little Diomede Island is still inhabited by some of its indigenous inhabitants
Other interesting facts
Therefore, Big Diomede, known as the island of the future, is a full day ahead of its “little” sister, known as the island of the past, despite the short distance between them, which does not exceed 3.8 kilometers. Therefore, Big Diomede is the easternmost point in time and space on the globe, while Little Diomede is the westernmost point on the globe.

Therefore, taking this trip is very exciting, because moving between these two islands takes you from the past to the future, from the North American continent to the Asian continent, from the United States to Russia, and from the westernmost point of the globe to the easternmost point.

Source: websites