Apogee phenomenon
Apogee phenomenon 1--1578
Today, July 5, 2024, the Earth reaches its furthest point from the Sun in its annual orbit, known as the apogee phenomenon.
The distance between the center of the sun and the center of our planet at this point is 152,100,000 kilometers.
But don't worry, peak does not affect our daily life significantly.
* A slight decrease in the brightness of the sun is noted, but it is not noticeable with the naked eye.
*The Earth's orbital speed is slightly slower at this point.
In contrast, the Earth is at its closest point to the sun (perigee) in January every year.
These two phenomena, aphelion and perihelion, are a normal part of our planet's orbit
It is worth noting that this phenomenon is a natural phenomenon, and it does not have any negative effects on the inhabitants of the Earth, as non-specialists claim. In addition, the change in the distance between the Earth and the Sun is not the reason for the occurrence of the four astronomical seasons, but it plays an important role in influencing the number of days in those seasons.
Apogee phenomenon 1--1579
Dr. Bashir Marzouq noted that there is a strange paradox, as although the Earth is at its farthest point from the sun in the summer, the temperature is high, and on the contrary, when it is at its closest point to the sun in the winter, the temperature is low. This is due to the fact that the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays in the summer is perpendicular to the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere during the month of July, so it penetrates a shorter distance of the atmosphere and does not lose a large part of its heat, while the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays in the winter is more inclined to the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere during the month of January, so it penetrates a longer distance of the atmosphere and loses a large part of its heat, knowing that the situation is completely opposite for the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere.
It is known that the Earth, like other planets, revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, and the Sun is at one of the foci of this orbit. Therefore, the Earth is at a point close to the Sun in its orbit, called the perihelion, and at another distant point in its orbit, called the aphelion.

It is worth noting that the Earth is the largest of the inner planets, and it is the only planet among the rocky planets that has a strong magnetic envelope that protects it from solar storms and winds.

Source: websites