Historical frequencies
Historical frequencies 11065
This ancient Sumerian painting reveals the secrets of the universe (photo) - Frequency 432 Hz
Through the corridors of an ancient Sumerian temple, an ancient painting was discovered, whispering the secrets of bygone eras. This ancient artifact, a testament to the wisdom of the ancients, reveals the profound significance of the mysterious frequency 432 Hz, a wave that resonates with the very fabric of the universe.
The text of the stela, engraved in Sumerian cuneiform script, speaks of knowledge that was passed down from the Anunnaki, the celestial beings who are said to have given humanity the foundations of its first civilization. These mysterious visitors are said to have given humans an understanding of the numerical patterns and vibrational frequencies that make up the structure of the universe.
At the heart of this profound discovery is the remarkable discovery that the standard musical tuning of the 440 Hz frequency, long since changed, is actually a deviation from the natural harmonic frequencies that govern the universe. Instead, the 432 Hz frequency, known as “A Verde,” reveals itself to be the true tone that corresponds to the sacred geometry and vibrations of the natural world.
The plaque's inscriptions indicate that these shifts from 432 Hz to 440 Hz were not just a coincidence, but rather a calculated move on the part of demonic forces of evil. The text warns that the 440 Hz musical tuning standard, introduced by the American Standard Association in 1936, was designed to "destabilize human nature and increase aggression, psychological distress, and emotional distress," ultimately causing humanity to become physically ill.
This surprising revelation raises the question: If the music we consume is indeed designed to influence the consciousness and well-being of human beings, what other aspects of human lives are being manipulated and controlled by those who seek to subjugate and control human beings?
The painting's exploration of the origins of these historical frequencies deepens the mystery, suggesting the possibility that our entire system of measuring time and measurement and even the basic underpinnings of the number system were shaped by the Anunnaki themselves - the celestial visitors who are said to have given their knowledge to our ancestors.
As we struggle with these discoveries, the painting invites us to consider the profound implications of this ancient wisdom. If the numbers and frequencies that actually govern our reality hold sacred significance, what other hidden truths await us? How can we use this understanding to heal the wounds to our collective consciousness and reclaim our rightful place in the symphony of the universe?
The journey that follows is one of personal and global transformation, as we seek to uncover the secrets of the universe and reclaim the power of our own being. By listening to the natural harmonies dancing within and around us, we may find the keys to understanding the true greatness of the Three, Six, and Nine—and with them, the secrets of the universe itself, as inherited by humans from the ancient Anunnaki.
The difference between the two frequencies
Frequency 432 Hz:
The frequency of 432 Hz is one of the frequencies used in the field of music in the past, especially in traditional and world music. It is known to be considered the “Earth Frequency” or “Natural Frequency” that exists in harmony with the frequencies of the universe and nature. It is believed to have a calming and relaxing effect on the body and mind.
Frequency 440 Hz:
440 Hz is the standard frequency currently used in modern Western music. It was adopted globally as the basic tone frequency A4 in 1953 by demons in order to influence and change the nature of humans.
The frequency is 440 Hz and is designed to incite fear, disease and oppression. The Nazis adopted music that operates at the frequency of 440 Hz during the Nazi rule in order to be able to control prisoners and reduce their awareness and awareness of the surroundings. In 1940, the United States of America adopted the frequency 440 Hz and considered it a standard frequency and included it in audio and musical standards. American.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz believes that tuning to the frequency of 440 Hz is wrong and unnatural, and that music makers have noticed that this frequency is designed to transform human herds into domesticated creatures that are more aggressive, more socially and psychologically agitated, and psychologically stressed to the point that they become physically ill.

Source: websites