The Amazigh lineage of the Andalusians expelled from Spain
The Amazigh lineage of the Andalusians expelled from Spain 1--1585
Some pages try to attribute Andalusians fleeing to North Africa to Arabs!!!
♦ There is no doubt that the overwhelming majority of the Muslims of Andalusia were Amazighs who migrated extensively to the enemy of Andalusia after they originally conquered it, and that was due to the close distance, especially from the western coasts of the Central Maghreb and the coasts of the Far Maghreb.
The Amazigh lineage of the Andalusians expelled from Spain 0--70
The Amazighs established kingdoms during the era of the Taifa kings, the most prominent of whom were the Banu Ziri, the Banu Barzal, the Banu Al-Aftas, and many others. They were then ruled by the Almoravids, who were from the Sanhaja of the desert, then the Almohads through the Caliph Abd al-Mu’min bin Ali al-Kumi al-Nadrumi al-Zanati and his sons and grandchildren. Then the Banu Zayan remained. The Banu Marin ruled the Muslims in Granada for the longest possible period thanks to their military intervention there against the kingdoms of Aragon, Castile, and Leon.

The Amazighs in Andalusia were known for their origins and tribes and their tribal fanaticism due to their origins and roots, and their revolt against the Umayyad Arabs and their (the Amazighs) being isolated in power for centuries after that.

Source: websites