?What is the scariest thing
?What is the scariest thing  1---1259
A story written on the wall of his cell by Fyodor Dostoyevsky about “The Priest and the Devil.” 1849
The devil said to the priest: “Hello, fat little father!” What made you lie like this to these poor, misled people? What torments from hell were depicted for them? Don't you know that they already suffer the torments of hell during their lives on earth? Do not you know that you and state authorities Mendobai on the ground? It is you who make them suffer the pain of hell that you threaten them with. Don't you know this? Well then, come with me! “
The devil grabbed the priest by the collar, lifted him high into the air, and carried him to an iron-casting factory. There he saw workers hurriedly running back and forth, toiling in the scorching heat.
Soon the heavy air and heat become too much for the priest to bear, and he pleads with the devil with tears in his eyes: “Let me go!” Let me leave this hell!”
“Ah, my dear friend, I must show you many other places.” Satan and hold him again and pull it to the farm. There sees workers knocking grain. The dust and heat are unbearable. The observer comes carrying a whip, which he mercilessly strikes at everyone who falls to the ground when they are overcome by exhaustion from hard work or hunger.
Then the priest takes him to the huts where these workers live with their families. Burrows dirty, cold, filled with smoke, and foul-smelling. Satan smiles broadly, pointing out the poverty and hardship in those homes.
He asks: “Well, isn’t that enough?” “..and it seems that even Satan himself pities people.
The pious servant of God can hardly bear it, so he raises his hands and pleads, “Let me get out of here, yes, yes!” This is hell on earth! “.
“Well then, there you are, still promising them another hell. You torture them, torture them to death morally, at a time when they are already dead in everything except physical death! Let's go ! “I will show you one more hell... one last hell... the worst hell of all.”
He took him to a prison, and showed him a cell, with its foul air, and the many human bodies robbed of all health and strength, lying on its floor, and covered with insects and vermin that fed on the weak, naked, emaciated bodies.

The devil said to the priest: “Take off your silk clothes, put heavy chains on your ankles like those worn by these wretches, lie down on the cold, dirty ground, and then tell them about the hell that still awaits them!” “.
The priest replied, “No, no!” I can't think of anything scarier than this. I beg you, let me get out of here!”
“Yes, this is hell. There can not be worse than hell. Didn't you know about it? Didn’t you know about those men and women whom you terrified with the image of an otherworldly hell... Didn’t you know that they were in hell now, before they died?”

Source: websites