Elected councils in the Nador region and the problem of correct downloading of the Amazigh language
Elected councils in the Nador region and the problem of correct downloading of the Amazigh language 13-234
The workshops to activate the official character of the Amazigh language during the current governmental term have seen significant progress through the governmental achievement, which is the establishment of the official character of the Amazigh language in all aspects of public life, as stipulated in the 2011 Constitution, in its fifth clause, that Amazigh is an official language of the state and a common asset for all Moroccans without exception.
Thanks to the high royal patronage, the Amazigh language has achieved many gains in Morocco, since the historic 2001 Ajdir speech, the establishment of the Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture (RCAM), and the creation of the Amazigh channel, in addition to the government taking many measures and measures aimed at establishing the official status of Amazigh on the ground. We touched upon the impact of public and governmental policies on the Amazigh language in many sectors and priority areas.
Elected councils in the Nador region and the problem of correct downloading of the Amazigh language 13-785
While we were waiting for the elected councils and territorial groups to engage in this national dynamic to make this cumulative and positive path of the government manager successful, unfortunately this national workshop is still resisting destructive mentalities and pockets of resistance at the level of the Nador region.
Despite the many correspondences it received from the vital and democratic Amazigh forces that believe in institutional political work, they insisted on not using the Amazigh language in the signs and facades installed at the level of these territorial groups belonging to the region. Rather, we monitored some councils committing linguistic massacres against the Amazigh language. And the letter Tifinagh, where this institutional act was distorted by the local actor. What raises more than one question mark about the way to deal with these national workshops Which aims to build true cultural and linguistic pluralism in harmony with the unity of our Moroccan identity and with the national constants and references of our immortal Moroccan nation.
Elected councils in the Nador region and the problem of correct downloading of the Amazigh language 13--277
Councils have not yet comprehended the scale of this large project that did justice to the Moroccan identity with its unified components, given that the procedure for using the Amazigh language enjoys all governmental, legal and national guarantees. When will the elites running the elected councils in Nador realize the importance of these national workshops in achieving democratic, political and social gains? And when will these workshops remain stagnant at a time when we find that many other elected councils have been able to ?implement the constitutional and legal obligations that frame the linguistic policy in our country

Kamal Soleimani
Local coordinator of the Amazigh Action Front in Nador, Aïth Chishar