Noble positions of Alexander the Great
Noble positions of Alexander the Great 1----287
His position on the killing of King Darius III
After King Darius fled and Alexander learned that he had been captured by Bessus, he went to follow him and entered the Persian camp accompanied by sixty of his troops. They began searching for the king among his entourage inside the wagons, and after a short search they found him in one of them, wounded by spears and breathing his last. When he saw them, he asked that they give him something to drink, so Polystratus gave him some cold water, and after he drank, he said to him: “My dear, I have reached the height of misfortune. Now you are doing me a favor and I cannot return it to you, but Alexander will reward you for what I did.” Your good deed, and the gods will reward Alexander for his kindness and generosity to my mother, my wife, and my children. I send him my right hand with you.” He held Polystratus's hand and then died.

When Alexander came, he seemed distressed by what had happened, so he took off his cloak and covered the king’s body with it.
When he found Bessus after that, he ordered him to be tortured before his execution, and he sent the body of King Darius to his mother, and included his brother Exathrys with his companions.

Plutarch. 43. 1:7.
Marble statue of Alexander from the Hellenistic period (between the 3rd and 2nd centuries), British Museum, Britain.