Fruits that contain the highest percentage of sugar
Fruits that contain the highest percentage of sugar 1--1613
Dr. Alexei Berezhnikov, a nutritionist, called for not eating too much of some types of fruits because they contain a high percentage of sugar.
The expert says: “People who fear an increase in blood sugar choose sour fruits because they believe that they contain a low percentage of sugar, but in reality, the focus should not be on the taste and taste of the fruit, but rather on the glycemic index, as the higher it is, the more "The less beneficial fruit is for people at risk of being overweight and diabetic, the less it should be included in diets."
Fruits that contain the highest percentage of sugar 1-3085
According to him, it is better not to eat too much of fruits with a glycemic index of more than 35. These fruits and fruits include - kiwi, grapes, persimmons, bananas, yellow watermelon, pineapple, red watermelon, all types of citrus fruits, gooseberries, and others.
As for fruits with a glycemic index of less than 35, they are: avocado (10 units), sour cherries (25 units), strawberries (25 units), pears (30 units) and apricots (34 units).
He says: “Fruits and other products that contain a high glycemic index can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes, due to impaired insulin secretion. As for products with a glycemic index higher than 70, such as jams and dried fruits, they are able to raise the level of glucose in the blood.” "The blood flows quickly, and then it decreases just as quickly."
Fruits that contain the highest percentage of sugar 12793
It indicates that the body secretes, based on the speed and volume of incoming glucose, an amount of insulin greater than what is necessary for this volume of sugar. When this happens systemically, the excess amount of insulin released into the blood begins to affect metabolism.

Source: websites