“Everything that is rational is realistic, and everything that is realistic is rational.”
“Everything that is rational is realistic, and everything that is realistic is rational.” 1--363
Hegel's philosophy was comprehensive and complex, and covered a wide range of topics, including logic, psychology, history, art, and religion. However, his main ideas can be summarized as follows:
Idealism: Hegel was an idealist, meaning he believed that reality was essentially mental or spiritual. He believed that the material world is merely a manifestation of the mind or spirit.
Dialectical Development: Hegel believed that the world develops through a dialectical process, in which two opposing parties struggle and produce a new third party. This process is continuous and permanent, and leads to the development of the world over time.
Unity of opposites: Hegel saw that opposites are united in their essence. For example, good and evil are interconnected, freedom and necessity are interconnected, and mind and matter are interconnected.
Universal Spirit: Hegel believed that there is a universal spirit, or universal mind, manifested in the world. This spirit is the driving force behind the development of the world and is responsible for human progress.
The State: Hegel saw the state as the highest embodiment of the universal spirit. The state is the one that guarantees freedom, justice and prosperity for its citizens.
Hegel's philosophy was very influential in the development of modern philosophy. It inspired many later thinkers, including Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Among the most important concepts in Hegel's philosophy are:
Spirit: It is the driving force behind everything in the world. It is rational, creative and teleological.
Dialectic: It is the process of development that occurs when two opposing parties interact with each other and produce a new third party.
Unity of opposites: It is the idea that opposites are interconnected and complementary.

History: It is the process of the spiritual development of humanity. It is a progressive process, where we are constantly learning and growing.
The state: is the highest embodiment of the universal spirit. It is responsible for providing freedom, justice, and prosperity to its citizens.
Hegel's philosophy was complex and very influential. It has influenced many later thinkers, and is still taught and discussed in universities around the world.
Friedrich Hegel.

Source: websites