Facts and information about Taiwan
Facts and information about Taiwan 13-804
Taiwan (Chinese: 臺灣) is an island located in the China Sea in East Asia. The island constitutes 99% of the territory of the Republic of China. Taiwan was part of China until 1895, when it was annexed to the Japanese Empire according to the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which ended the First Sino-Japanese War. After Japan was defeated in World War II, it ceded the island to China in 1945. After 4 years, the Chinese Civil War (1927-1949) ended with the fall of all the lands controlled by the head of the national government, Chiang Kai-shek, to the communists, so Chiang Kai-shek moved his government to Taiwan, which It was called the "Republic of China" even though the borders of its control did not exceed the island of Taiwan.
Here is some comprehensive information about Taiwan:
🌐 Location and geography
▪ Location: Located in the Pacific Ocean, between China, Japan and the Philippines.
▪ Area: about 36,197 square kilometers.
▪ Capital: Taipei.
▪ Climate: Taiwan has a maritime tropical climate, hot and humid in summer, with temperatures reaching around 30°C, mild and humid winters, and a rainy season in summer, with mild spring and autumn weather.
🌐 History
▪ European colonization: It was occupied by the Dutch in the seventeenth century, then the Spanish, followed by the Portuguese.
▪ Japanese rule: It was under Japanese control from 1895 until the end of World War II in 1945.
▪ Post-World War II: It was re-controlled by Nationalist China (the Kuomintang) after World War II.
🌐 Politics and government
▪ Political system: parliamentary democracy.
▪ Government: consists of a president and a parliament (Legislative Yuan).
▪ Political situation: Taiwan is considered a de facto independent state, but mainland China considers it an integral part of its territory and demands its annexation.

🌐 Population
▪ Population: about 23.6 million people.
▪ Languages: The official language is Mandarin Chinese, with Hokkien and Hakka widely used.
▪ Religion: Religions vary between Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and other religions.
🌐 Economy
▪ Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Taiwan has a strong and advanced economy, and is among the 20 largest economies in the world.
▪ Main sectors: electronics, information and technology, petrochemicals, and machinery manufacturing.
▪ Trade: It relies heavily on export, and it is considered one of the largest producers of semiconductors.
🌐 Culture and education
▪ Culture: Taiwanese culture is influenced by Chinese traditions as well as Japanese and Western influences.
▪ Education: Advanced educational system, with a high rate of enrollment in schools and universities.
International relations
▪ International recognition: Some countries recognize Taiwan as an independent country, but most countries recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the official representative of China.
▪ Membership in international organizations: Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations, but it is a member of some other international organizations such as the World Trade Organization.

Source: websites