Civic activities from the Tinghir community are preparing to establish an association concerned with “immigration and development”
Civic activities from the Tinghir community are preparing to establish an association concerned with “immigration and development” 13-236
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Glorious Throne Day and the National Migrant’s Day, and within the framework of the activities of the founding general assembly of the “Tinghir Migration and Development” Association, civic activities from the Tinghir community residing abroad are organizing a symposium on my topic: “Water Security in Light of Climate Change.”
The second symposium addresses the topic “Investment, Development and Community Contribution,” and will take place on Friday, August 9, 2024 in Tinghir, according to the detailed program.
The Global Forum on Migration and Development occupies a central place in international negotiations on migration and development, as, through its frequent events, it stimulates ideas and good practices and formulates practical and sustainable solutions to global challenges.
Civic activities from the Tinghir community are preparing to establish an association concerned with “immigration and development” 13-237
The activities of the Global Forum on Migration and Development are based on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which was adopted in Marrakesh in 2018 under the auspices of the United Nations. The Forum also works in cooperation with numerous multilateral initiatives in the field of migration and in intersection with relevant international programs in this regard.

Source: websites