The strangest islands in the world
The strangest islands in the world  13-829
Canadian Sable Island, located in the North Atlantic Ocean. The island is distinguished by its unique shape that resembles a slender crescent, and consists of sand dunes and windswept beaches. Its very remote location makes it a great tourist destination. There are wild horses and green meadows.
It is inhabited by only 5 people (4 Canadian environmental scientists and a resident researcher), but in the summer the number increases as a number of contractors, scientists, researchers and photographers attend. The island is famous for the presence of feral horses known as the Cybele Island horses.
Area: 34 square kilometers.  
Length: 36.2 km.
Width: 1.2 km.
Image and text credit belongs to the Atlas of Geography and History page
Cybele Island
Sable Island is located near the Canadian city of Halifax. Here the hot Gulf Stream intersects with the icy currents of Labrador waters. This area is considered mysterious, even the most fearless captains are afraid of it. You cannot compare with the Bermuda Triangle, but this area is one of the anomalous zones known around the world.
The strangest islands in the world  13-827
Scientists have long been interested in this island, it has a bad reputation, and local pubs hear stories of sailors stirring human blood. The indigenous people never call this island by name, but prefer their popular names, which, in their opinion, are more appropriate, among which are “Cemetery of the Atlantic”, “Shipwreck Island”.
Specialists studying this area have discovered that Sable Island grows in length by about 200 meters per year, while not changing its structure. Scientists argue that part of the island, located to the west, is constantly eroding under the influence of a very strong current. But the opposite coast, quite the opposite, is constantly strewn with sandy hills, which, it is not clear how they are formed. All these facts are so strange and do not yield to any laws of nature that they mislead scientists.
The strangest islands in the world  13-828
Here, the weather is miserable all year round, with lingering fog and cold rain. This island has the lowest elevation, as well as very dangerous reefs. Also, a big problem are the royal, melon and coral, disguised as the color of the water. All of the above makes it difficult to control a ship, near Saber Island, She suffered from a small amount. From here the picture becomes clear why you hear such terrible stories among sailors about this region, which they have been trying to get around for centuries.
But there is one month a year when the weather on Sable Island becomes favourable. In July the ocean recedes, and the area becomes available for landing boats. But, of course, there are not many who would like to visit the territory of Sable Island.
The sands of the island keep many secrets beneath them, which are linked to the death of various sea transports, the remains of which have buried this cursed land forever. The number of tragedies that have occurred on Sable Island for all centuries cannot be guessed.

To somehow secure the route of ships, on the island in the 10th century, the Canadian command installed a meteorological station with a very powerful lighthouse. To ensure the work a team of twenty people lived here. But, later, this station had to be transferred to automatic maintenance, as workers often damaged parts of their bodies, They stumble upon a variety of food scraps. The soul also suffered from the people who lived here, who claim that at night on Sable Island the ghosts of the dead roam and ask for salvation.
If you decide to taste Sable Island, first think carefully and, of course, stock up on all the necessary equipment for such a bold, unusual trip.

Source: websites