The myth of the Amazons
The myth of the Amazons  1---1321
Amazons were associated with various regions, such as Greece, Scythia, North Africa, or more precisely, ancient Numidia. The drawings in the desert tell about women warriors, that is, Amazons, and they are drawings that highlight women warriors. According to legend, the breast was cut off, and the most important painting is the mosaic painting discovered in northern Syria, which represents Amazonian fighters. The Amazons cut off their breasts so that they can use bows and arrows without hindrance.
The Amazons, or Amazon warriors, in people's culture, are women fighters and the first to harness the horse for fighting purposes, as told in mythology and legend, most notably Greek mythology. Amazon warriors formed in the ancient kingdom of Dahomey (currently Benin) the only female army in the world, while today their descendants fight to restore their humanity.
In Berber mythology, there are several Amazons, such as Athena and Medusa. If there are multiple interpretations of the name Amazonian, the current interpretations tend to consider this name to be Amazigh in origin and link it to the name Amazigh or Imazighen, which is the name by which the Amazighs call themselves. Some believe that Tihia, nicknamed the Priestess, is one of the Amazonian Amazigh women who led the Amazighs against foreign invasions successfully for a period of time. .
When Francisco de Orellana explored a large river on his journey to explore the unknown areas east of Quito, he said that he met women warriors and described them as Amazonians are described, which prompted Orellana to name the river the Amazon River.
The myth of the Amazons  1----494
The weakness of the Amazons was their need for males in order to reproduce and continue, so they would go on a group trip to one of the cities located on the borders of their kingdom once a year.
They would put their weapons aside and each one would set up a tent until a man from the area visited it, and they knew their story and what was happening.
This day of the year was considered the only day of reconciliation between Amazon women and men. Other than that, there is nothing dearer to the heart of an Amazon than humiliating a man to killing him.
When they returned from their annual breeding trip, the pregnant women would wait impatiently until the baby was born. If it was a male, they would kill him or leave him in the open until he died of hunger or was preyed upon by predatory animals.
The myth of the Amazons  1---1322
If it was a girl, they would celebrate, and the mother would begin teaching her martial arts from a young age. She would also cut off her right breast or burn it with fire, in order for her to learn how to use the archery bow and other weapons comfortably. And its effectiveness
And so... Myths reflect ancient cultural perceptions and do not express confirmed historical facts, so we consider them part of the cultural heritage without mixing them with reality...!

Source: websites