A mysterious ancient gate in Hajin - China
A mysterious ancient gate in Hajin - China 1--1644
It's a little known fact, but the pyramids were built in ancient China. Chinese pyramids or writing are rarely talked about. Perhaps few people know, that there are more Egyptians and Mexicans combined. They are of the same age and at their time may have served the same functions. The secret was only revealed today.
West of Xi'an there are more than a hundred pyramids on an area of 20,000 square meters. The indigenous people call this area “Valley of the Pyramids.” The site is closed to visitors because it is located in an area maintained by secret military installations.
A mysterious ancient gate in Hajin - China 0--89
?Why do the Chinese keep their pyramids a secret
Mainly, because the area has satellite launch spacecraft, a ballistic missile range, and other secret military facilities. Satellite images show that the modern space complex and the ancient Great Pyramid are connected by two straight lines. Is it possible that the Chinese learned to use some of the energy properties of the pyramids?
There are many interesting ancient things in China that people from outside China will never see - which is very unfortunate. In the next post we will take a closer look at the mysterious Chinese pyramids.
Today I wanted to show you a strange door located in a very isolated place. No one knows when or who built them. One theory is that it was a castle.
A mysterious ancient gate in Hajin - China 0--32
This mysterious castle, sitting atop a high cliff, is cleverly hidden behind deep quests, making it almost invisible to the unrighteous eye. Even locals have little knowledge of its historical origin. The meaning and design of the fort only came to light thanks to the advice of an 80-year-old named Hu Jun. His knowledge of the area played a major role in discovering the trails leading to this historic site.
Hajin Castle is very difficult to see from afar, as it blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain, making it an ideal hideout. Only after a closer look led by a well-informed native, will you realize that this is actually an ancient stronghold camouflaged from intruders...for ages.
The approach to Hajin's fortress is defined by natural obstacles and steep peaks, which in the past could only be surmounted with temporary wooden bridges, suggesting the strategic use of the fort as a protective hideout. Upon entering through a small gate, visitors encounter an upward slope made of loose earth, deliberately designed to be slippery and difficult to climb, an obvious protection from intruders. What would have been placed on top of the building, no one knows. Inside tz land resembling an ancient ship opening forts. On the sides of the castle there were caves, providing shelter for people and animals in moments of danger. Since then they have eroded, leaving only the plateau and its gate.

We know from local stories that the mysterious shelter has been in use for hundreds of years, but we are still unsure of its age and who built it.

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