Lake Bingwaluit
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Lake Bingwaluit in Canada: a natural gem formed 1.4 million years ago
In the heart of Canada, lies an amazing lake formed by a huge meteorite, which had the power of **8,500 atomic bombs** the size of Hiroshima!
The diameter of the lake is 3.44 kilometers, and it is characterized by its very pure water that accumulates only from rain and snow, as it has no outlets.
One of the purest freshwater lakes in the world, Pinguauit or Nunavik's Crystal Eye, is said to have been created by a meteorite that struck Earth 1.4 million years ago.
Measuring 267 meters deep and nearly symmetrical from the top, this large blue basin has become important to both the local Inuit and most scientists who have studied the crater.
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According to NASA, people outside the area were first made aware of it in 1943 when U.S. Army Air Forces personnel observed it from an airplane.
It is truly an amazing place that contains some of the purest water in the world, and is a living testament to the power and beauty of nature.

Source: websites