Republic of Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia 13-895
Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia (in Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is an archipelagic country located in maritime Southeast Asia, and in Greek it means “Indian Islands”. Indonesia includes 17,508 islands. Its population is about 275 million people, which makes it the fourth most populous country. It is also the largest country with a Muslim majority population, the third largest democracy in the world, and the largest Austronesian country in the world. Java, where more than half of the country's population lives, is the largest inhabited island in the world.
The name Indonesia is derived from the Latin word Indus, meaning India, and the Greek word nisos, meaning island. The name dates back to the eighteenth century, that is, before the formation of the Republic of Indonesia. In the year 1850, the English etymologist George Earle proposed applying the terms Indonesians and the term Malaynesses to the people living in the Indian and Malay Archipelagos. In the same publication, one of Earle's students, James Logan, used the term Indonesia as a synonym for the Indian Archipelago. Despite this, the Dutch academies used the term Malay Archipelago (in Dutch: Maleische Archipel); And Dutch East India (Dutch: Nederlandsch Oost Indië) in East India publications instead of using the word Indonesia (Indian Indië - East de Oost - Insulinde Archipelago). The name Indonesia became more famous in academic circles outside the Netherlands at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Indonesian national groups have adopted this term for political expression. Etymologist Adolf Bastian of the University of Berlin popularized this name through his book Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884–1894 (Indonesia and the Islands of the Malay Archipelago: 1884–1894), and the first Indonesian scholar to use this name was Ki Hijr Deuntara when he founded a press office. In the Netherlands, its name was: Indonesisch Pers-bureau (Indonesia Press Bureau) in 1913.
Did you know that Indonesia 🇮🇩 is the first country in the world in terms of the number of islands, and Indonesia is also the largest Islamic country in terms of population 😱😱😱.. The rest of the details are in our post:
Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, has more than 17,000 islands. The largest island in terms of area is Kalimantan (Borneo), which extends over about 743,000 square kilometers, followed by Sumatra with an area of approximately 473,000 square kilometers, then Sulawesi with an area of about 174,600 square kilometers, and Java with an area of about 138,800 square kilometers.
In terms of population, Java is the most populous island, with an estimated population of more than 150 million, which is about 60% of Indonesia's total population. Sumatra comes in second place with a population of approximately 50 million people. Smaller islands, such as the Little Moluccas and Seribu Islands, are characterized by their small area and low population density.
Some key information and facts about Indonesia:
◀ Geographical location: Indonesia consists of more than 17,000 islands, extending across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It shares maritime borders with Malaysia, the Philippines, and Australia, and is adjacent to the Nova Guinea Islands.

◀ Capital: Jakarta, located on the island of Java, and is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.
◀ Population: Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, with a population of about 270 million people.
◀Area: Indonesia covers a total area of approximately 1.9 million square kilometers.
◀ Language: The official language is Indonesian, which is a language based on Malay.
◀ Religion: The main religion is Islam, as Indonesia is the largest Islamic country in terms of population. There are also minorities of Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists.
◀ Economy: Indonesia’s economy is considered one of the largest economies in Southeast Asia. It relies heavily on agriculture, industry, and services. Indonesia is a major exporter of vegetable oil, natural gas and coal.
◀Currency: The official currency of Indonesia is **Indonesian Rupiah**, symbolized by **IDR**. The currency symbol is **Rp**.
◀ Cultural Diversity: Indonesia includes a wide range of cultures, languages and customs, with more than 300 ethnic groups.
◀ Environment: Indonesia includes dense tropical forests, and is one of the most important vital areas for plants and animals. However, it faces major challenges such as deforestation and pollution.
◀ Tourism: Indonesia is a popular tourist destination thanks to its beautiful beaches, historical temples, and tropical islands such as Bali, Lombok, and Sumbawa.
◀ Weather: Indonesia’s climate is characterized by heat and humidity throughout the year, with tropical climate prevailing.

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