!!Mount Roraima: A world above the clouds
!!Mount Roraima: A world above the clouds  1----498
Mount Roraima, located on the border between Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, is one of the most unusual and surprising geological formations in the world. This flat mountain, also known as Tepui, rises vertically from the ground to a height of 2,800 metres, making it look like an island floating in the sky.
Local legends surround Mount Roraima, as indigenous people consider it a sacred place. Some say that the mountain is a remnant of the "Lost World," which inspired writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to write his famous novel "The Lost World."

Thanks to its unique climate and isolation from the surrounding world, Mount Roraima hosts a unique ecosystem, where plants and animals grow that are found nowhere else on Earth. The perpetual mist that surrounds the mountain, and the waterfalls cascading from its sides, give it a legendary feel, making it a dream destination for explorers and nature lovers.
Despite its captivating beauty, Mount Roraima still retains its secrets, making every trip there an adventure in a world that seems outside of time.

Source: websites