International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day Image
International Mother Language Day

On February 21 of each year, the world celebrates the International Mother Language Day, which was approved by UNESCO in the year 17 November 1999 and then was officially approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2008 and then celebrated as International Mother Language Day since 2000 to promote peace and recognition of linguistic diversity and protection for all native languages.

International Mother Language Day Image
Amazigh letter

Some may consider that this history does not mean anything to them, except that the matter is more than that, as this language that we breastfed from our mothers is one of the elements of human life and thought and the origin of his existence. There is no people without language, there is no identity without language, and there is no civilization and construction without language. When we talk about the existence of a Amazigh civilization, for example, but not limited to, we are talking about a people who speak the Amazigh language and produce and write in this language and develop themselves and their entity until this society becomes in the ranks of developed and productive countries, and then it is said that this people left a certain civilization throughout history, and this is the matter of civilizations The ancient civilization that passed through the ages, such as the Greek, Pharaonic, Roman and Islamic civilizations..

International Mother Language Day Image
Amazigh identity

On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, I would like to raise in this article the issue of the Amazigh language spoken by the people of North Africa, the Canary Islands and the inhabitants of the Siwa desert in Egypt.
Since the independence of these countries, colonialism has imposed an ideology, people and systems that serve its interests in the region. They signed treaties that preserve the interests of the colonizer in his former colonies, so these regimes followed an exclusionary approach aimed at eliminating the language and civilization of these authentic peoples. We call it the Arab world, and in turn, the exclusion of the Amazigh language in all aspects of life and its contempt, and even the attempt to bury it, and this is with the blessing of the brutal colonizer.

International Mother Language Day Image
Amazigh woman in her distinguished dress

Faced with this situation, Amazigh activists and associations sounded the alarm and even raised a complaint to international organizations to intervene before it was too late. In the face of international pressures and the movement of the Amazigh peoples, it was able to remove the recognition of the Amazigh language as an official language in both Morocco
and Algeria, and to recognize it as an essential component in both Tunisia and Libya.

International Mother Language Day

Despite all the efforts that have been made to rehabilitate the mother tongue and give it its right to education, media and administration, the lack of will of these oriental-oriented regimes made these laws and procedures mere ink on paper, and Amazigh has not yet reached its natural position like its Arab counterpart.

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Amazigh people
In the face of this situation, these countries are called upon to triumph over the mother tongue rooted in North Africa from time immemorial, away from all ideological or political loyalty or ethnic fanaticism in the service of the public interest and to end any strife and discrimination between individuals and groups before the outbreak of ethnic conflicts that put the region on the plate of a hot volcano that may come On green and dry..
lhou amazigh: behave