Tooth of terrifying 60ft megalodon shark washes up on UK beach and found by boy
Tooth of terrifying 60ft megalodon shark washes up on UK beach and found by boy 1787
Sammy Shelton found a four-inch tooth from a megalodon dating back up to 20 million years while walking on the beach at Bawdsey, Suffolk. He has now been showing it to classmates and friends
Sammy Shelton pictured with the megalodon prehistoric shark tooth he found on the beach (
Image: East Anglia News Service)
   A fossil hunter aged just six has unearthed a four-inch tooth from one of the world’s largest prehistoric sharks.

Sammy Shelton spotted the giant canine from a megalodon dating back up to 20 million years while walking with his family on the beach at Bawdsey, Suffolk.
Only a handful of teeth from the 50 to 60ft-long creatures – three times the size of great white sharks – are found in the UK every year.
Sammy has been showing off the tooth to classmates and friends at his local Beaver Scout colony where he was made Beaver of the Week.

He said: “It looked like a tooth but it was big. I am very pleased and I will be keeping it safe.” Sammy made the find while looking for only the second time for shells and fossils on the beach.