the size of the universe
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One of the memories was my old question to my father
Where is the end of the universe?
And he answered me: If there is an end to the universe, then there are certainly other things behind this end.
And those words were the first thing I learned about the concept of the (infinite) universe.
Earth's position in the universe
In order to understand the size of the universe, we must first know where we are in it. Our planet Earth :earth_africa: with the rest of the planets of the solar system :sunny:
that make up the solar system.
And all the stars we see in the night sky are actually
Other suns like our sun and larger, and it is possible that there are planets around it also like the earth, the stars are not scattered in space without a system, but are regular and interconnected in a huge and extremely large structure and organization that occupies a space in space and looks like a disc and is called (the galaxy)
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Notre galaxie est connue sous le nom de (la Voie lactée), et vous pouvez voir la plupart des étoiles de notre galaxie en regardant le niveau du disque dans le ciel, et ce qui en ressort est le bras de la galaxie
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in which the sun and its group are located
position of the sun
In this disc, the Sun is located at two thirds of the distance from its center
The galaxy has no real boundaries, as it sits as a whole in the midst of a structure resembling a huge puffy halo of stars spread across a vast expanse of space.
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And this group of galaxies in the local cluster is part of a larger group of galaxy clusters...and so on...
The sophisticated observatories and telescopes of our time reveal a huge universe full of galactic gatherings that are evenly distributed in the surrounding space and at the same time diverge from each
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 other at a constant and rapid rate.
The distances between celestial bodies and bodies in space have enormous values, and if we express them in miles and kilometers used in distances on Earth, we will find zeros in front of us in very large numbers. There is therefore a unit of measurement for distances in space and astronomy, which is the light year.
That's a distance that light travels in an entire year, and a light year is nine and a half million million miles, but you can imagine the problem if you know that sunlight reaches the earth after eight minutes and half, because the sun is 150 million kilometers from the earth
With this measurement, the diameter of the solar system is approximately a few light hours
The closest star to us is four light years away
The diameter of the galaxy is about 100,000 light years
The nearest galaxy, Andromeda, is 2.5 million light-years from our galaxy.
This image of the universe was determined only recently, after the rapid development of the fields of observation, astronomy and technologies used in space.
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understand the universe
The growing importance of astronomy, the development of large radio and optical telescopes and the great invention of the spectrometer had a great impact on changing the concept of ancient man about astronomy and the universe around it. .
nature de l'univers
La vraie nature de l'univers n'a été déterminée que dans les années vingt du siècle actuel, suite à un certain nombre de recherches menées par les deux astronomes :
(Harlow Chapley) et (Edwin Hubble) ont confirmé que ce qu'on appelle des nébuleuses
Or the faint specks of light in the sky are actually galaxies similar to our galaxy or differently shaped and contain huge clusters of stars revolving around the center of this gathering and there are billions of stars and planets .
Nous ne pourrons jamais atteindre le bord de l'univers ni l'observer à sa taille réelle ou à sa fin, si elle a une fin, car plus grandes sont les possibilités de surveillance et de développement humain, la sourate transmise par les observatoires et le voyageur est la découverte de de nouvelles galaxies et des galaxies plus infinies