Abdullah Hattos: The Moroccan Strategic Mind and the Advancement of Amazigh
Abdullah Hattos: The Moroccan Strategic Mind and the Advancement of Amazigh 99D2QrZOMnR5ul6CTuyw2dwXTVWzwmORRbeopaW0
“You have to read the past well and then make up your mind to choose your own path because it is the basis of knowledge.”
Rene Descartes
The Moroccan government is accelerating steps to activate the official character of Amazigh, and to make up for part of what was lost from the time of its demarcation during the two previous government mandates; Attempts to facilitate translation to and from Tamazight within some state institutions, and the attempt by some ministries to include Tamazight in their central and foreign interests, are all indications that the government is continuing to download its commitments related to demarcating Tamazight.
It seems through our follow-up to the public debate about government measures and measures to activate the official character of Amazigh, that these measures and measures need to be accompanied by a mobilizing communication work that explains to all citizens the deep implications of activating the official character of Amazigh, and informs them of the strategic nature of these large workshops, especially since there are pockets of resistance It has not yet comprehended that the demarcation of Tamazight is in its origin and separation the culmination of a vision, integrated and insightful, on the part of the Moroccan constitutional mind.
Recently, and unfortunately, some pockets of resistance to the demarcation of Amazigh have risen to the promotion of nihilistic ideas, questioning the contents of the constitution, dissonant voices claiming that the 2011 constitution was a consensual constitution that calmed us according to the tense context in which it came, and all its contents are subject to re-discussing and rooting, the first of which is the official language of the state Amazigh topic. In addition to these pockets, there are other pockets that try to exploit the weakness of official communication regarding the deep implications of demarcating Tamazight, to delude public opinion that demarcating Tamazight targets only those who speak it and not other male and female citizens.
The common denominator between these and those is to ignore everything that was achieved for the benefit of the Amazigh during the first decade of the twenty-first century; They ignore historical gains that would not have seen the light if the Moroccan strategic mind had not managed to manage three things: managing the linguistic, cultural and identities conflict in our country, managing the opportunity brought about by the dynamism of the declaration of recognition of the Amazigh of Morocco in the year 2000, and looking to the future to address the danger of deadly identities, which is now afflicting many North African countries and the Middle East. 
The communicative action that we call for will enlighten citizens that the demarcation of the Amazigh language is the culmination of an integrated and perceptive vision matured by the Moroccan strategic mind on a quiet fire, a vision whose first features became clear in the speech of His Majesty the King on the occasion of the anniversary of the Throne Day of the year 2001, where His Majesty emphasized that the celebration of the throne of Morocco " To prepare an annual pause for contemplation and reflection, not to ask about who we are? What do we want? Morocco is an ancient country in its civilization, clinging to its identity and its sanctities, always open to the developments of its time, united behind its monarch, a companion to history, knowing where it came from, and where it is going.” Before His Majesty affirmed in the same speech that “considering the need to give a new impetus to our Amazigh culture, which constitutes a national wealth, to enable it to preserve, promote and develop it, we have decided to create, alongside our honorable Majesty, and under our supreme patronage, an institute for Amazigh culture.” ".
A vision whose features were completed after the speech of Ajdir, on October 17, 2001, and was surrounded by all the guarantees of success; The presence of the elite of the Amazigh movement and representatives of political parties, side by side, in the ceremonies to place the honorable stamp on the updated Dahir of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, was a strong indication that the workshops for the advancement of the Amazigh were strategic workshops of special importance, as the King indicated in an Ajdir speech when he said And because Amazigh is an essential component of national culture, and a rich cultural heritage, witnessing its presence in all aspects of Moroccan history and civilization, we pay special attention to its advancement in achieving our modern democratic community project, which is based on emphasizing consideration for the national personality and its linguistic, cultural and civilizational symbols.
Communicating with citizens about the strategic nature of the Amazigh promotion workshops will ensure the means and ingredients for success for these workshops, so that the legal and regulatory requirements related to the Amazigh issue do not remain trapped or fall victim to bureaucratic and improvisational constraints and political calculations, as happened during the two previous government mandates. The demarcation of Tamazight is the culmination of a royal strategic sense that has declared itself since the two historic speeches of 2001, and the culmination of a royal wisdom expressed by His Majesty in the text of his lofty speech on March 9, 2011.
The strategic mind has consecrated the pluralistic character of the Moroccan identity, with Tamazight at its core. The constitutional mind affirmed that Tamazight is a common asset for Moroccans without exception. The government is working to create a mechanism to finance workshops to promote linguistic and cultural justice. Therefore, civil society and political parties, the majority and the opposition, must devise everything that would contribute to mobilizing the collective mind in order for Moroccans to own all the elements of their collective identity, their Moroccan culture, and their two official languages: Arabic and Amazigh.
