The Amazigh dimension in Moroccan toponymy is discussed in Qasr Al-Saghir
The Amazigh dimension in Moroccan toponymy is discussed in Qasr Al-Saghir IMG-20220518-WA0000
On May 17, 2022, El Ksar El Saghir Technical High School in Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima hosted an educational meeting under the slogan “Morocco and Cultural Diversity”. Auflah, whose intervention was titled “The Amazigh Dimension in Moroccan Toponymy.”
In order for the interventionist to begin, the conversation about the context and the signs of the emergence of this science in the field of humanities, by invoking it to its early pioneers before proceeding to talk about the Moroccans interested in this science, by referring to their productions, such as the historian Ali Sidqi Azaiko, Muhammad Shafiq, Ahmed Sayer, Ahmed Al-Hashemi and others, before To limp to talk about the importance of this science, especially in terms of understanding the society in which these labels were produced, by searching for the premises and reasons controlling the emergence of geographical flags without the other, not to mention its importance in preserving the Amazigh culture from oblivion and loss, and also its role in understanding the memory The place has a long history.
After this theoretical brief, he chose field models, and tried to decipher the hidden codes and riddles behind these designations of meanings and connotations, and to highlight the various lexical fields from which these flags derived their symbolic power.