Do not ignore these behaviors if they appear on your partner
Do not ignore these behaviors if they appear on your partner 1263
In love relationships, both loving parties want to give the other party all his love and attention, and he wants to make him feel that he is a source of support, and that he wants to continue with him until the end, but some emotional relationships are not characterized by these strong emotions and feelings, but one of the parties is far and quiet in his feelings towards His partner, and he begins to do some unusual behaviors from him, which make you feel that he no longer cares about you, and that you no longer mean anything to him, and if these behaviors appear on your partner, you should beware of them, because they may be a dangerous indicator that threatens the continuation of your relationship in the future .
And the “Article” website highlights these behaviors, which you should not ignore, and do not try to convince yourself with them that they are not true out of love, but you should think again about the fate of your relationship with your partner.
Do not ignore these behaviors if they appear on your partner 2132
He doesn't care much about your sadness
If you notice in your partner that he does not care much about the things that make you sad and tries not to do them, or even feels that you are sad and does not care about knowing the reason for your sadness and trying to relieve you, then know that this matter is not optimistic, and you have to find out the reason for this, is it because of a quarrel that happened Between you, or does your partner have something on his mind and mind, or is he secretive and doesn't show his feelings or interest, or he doesn't care about it at all.
always criticizing you
It is often said that love is blind, because the lover does not see the faults of the one he loves, but sometimes he loves and accepts these faults, and he can see these faults, but he overlooks them, and sees that they are not important, and that the qualities of his lover are sufficient, but if your partner begins to criticize you Negatively in every big and small, and he can't stand any mistake you make even if it's simple, or gets angry at the simplest actions, miss you and doesn't talk to you, this is a dangerous indication that he doesn't love you, and that he may want the relationship not to continue for more than that.
Do not ignore these behaviors if they appear on your partner 645
Forget the dates of your meeting
At the beginning of the relationship, the feelings of both parties are at the highest energy and strength, and the day you meet your partner is a very special day for you and him. You began to feel that he forgets important dates of your meeting, forgets special occasions, and does not even bother to call you to apologize for attending, and he may argue after that that he is busy, or that he did not remember, then this is a strong indication that he no longer cares about you, and it is no longer a priority for him. for him.
He doesn't call you and doesn't care to ask about you
This matter is another important indicator that your partner no longer cares about you, does not care about where you are or what you do, does not care about knowing your conditions, or even reassurance about your health, so you see him stay away for days and perhaps weeks and do not contact you, nor send you even just a text message, And you feel that if you stay like this for months, maybe he will never talk, and this is common for those people who no longer care about their emotional relationship with their partner, and the biggest mistake the partner makes here is trying to contact the other party and reproach him for what he does, because he does not strengthen himself, and appears in the form of He begs for love and attention from the partner, and this puts him in a bad position in front of himself, and in front of the other party.
Do not ignore these behaviors if they appear on your partner 733
Not there when you need it
This indicator is the most dangerous, as the basis of the relationship is based on the completeness between the two parties and their support for each other. If something happens and one of the parties needs the other party and does not find it, this breaks his trust in his partner who abandoned him, and was not present next to him, especially in the woman who always needs protection Feeling safe, and she wants to get the attention and care of her partner, and it is possible that this situation occurs at certain times when the other party is very busy, or has an acceptable excuse for not being present, but if this is repeated and strikingly, this is a serious indication that this person has not He no longer loves you or cares about you.
Do not ignore these behaviors if they appear on your partner 924
He doesn't want to sit with you for long
When we love, we want to spend as much time as possible with the ones we love, but imagine someone sitting with you and doesn't talk much, holding his phone most of the time, and wants to end the meeting quickly and leave, so is that person in love?! And of course not, that's why if you notice that your partner does not ask you much to meet you, and if you sit with him he was lukewarm in meeting him, or you find him a little upset, and he does not want to sit with you for long, and he may argue that he has another date, know that he no longer cares to sit and talk With you, and it may happen that your partner is already busy, and wants to sit with you, but he cannot do that, and that he will compensate you for that day, but if this action is repeated, and you feel that he is not excited to sit with you, this is an indication that he no longer loves you or cares for your existence .