Top 10 most horrific things deep sea divers have ever seen
Top 10 most horrific things deep sea divers have ever seen 173
The oceans make up approximately 71 % of the Earth's surface
While only 5 % of life in the ocean has been explored ,
The sea is full of constant surprises
Fortunately, through deep-sea technology and divers facing open waters, we have been able to discover many things unknown for centuries .
Humans know more about Mars and the Moon than they know about their oceans . Humans have devoted a lot of time and money to the development of space travel,
But do we know what lies deep in our oceans?
In this article, we present to you some of the strangest things I have ever seen.
that were discovered in the depths of the seas and oceans, knowing that everything that will be presented has been seen with the naked eye by divers .
Top 10 most horrific things deep sea divers have ever seen 2138
1- ship doty
This ship is considered one of the largest ships that sailed in the nineteenth century . It sank in 1898 AD in Lake Michigan, USA.
This ship was not discovered until 2010 CE
Scientists believe it contains the remains of Noah's Ark
Top 10 most horrific things deep sea divers have ever seen 651