Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 170
Some countries consider the education process sacred, because it benefits the world and society as a whole, and it is a human right, and it must be accessible to everyone. Fortunately for international students, most developed countries consider them a vital part of the higher education process, and some of them offer them free admission completely in their universities. . Here, we will present to you some of the most important free universities from which you can obtain a degree without tuition fees.
Note: These universities have been selected based on a comparison of the best universities in the world that offer free education according to the QS World Ranking.
University of Bergen
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 2406
The University of Bergen is a metropolitan university located in Norway. Its fields of study are centered on two campuses: the Health Campus (Årstadvollen), where dentistry, medicine and healthcare are generally centered near university clinics, and other disciplines such as natural and social sciences, psychology, law, and the arts are taught. In Nygårdshøyden, close to places of learning, homes and shops.
This university is a free public institution, it does not charge tuition fees for neither Norwegian nor international students, only semester fees must be paid to Student Welfare Organization (SiB), which currently costs NOK 590 (US$ 67.7), so the university is very attractive to postgraduate students, Out of every 3 physicians who graduate from the university, at least one student is from outside Norway.
As for scholarships, the university does not offer any scholarships, and despite the high cost of living, you can manage your budget to cover the monthly expenses of housing, food, clothing, study materials, transportation, and social activities.
RWTH Aachen University
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 6170
The Rhine-Westphalia Technical University is the largest university of technology in Germany, and one of the most famous European universities, and it is working to become a multidisciplinary technical university. The university's engineering focus is related to the natural sciences and medicine, but the arts, social sciences, and economics also make a contribution to the university's teaching profile. With 260 institutes in 9 different faculties, RWTH is among the leading scientific and research institutions.
There is no tuition fee charged to the student, and the university offers a range of scholarship assistance, but all students are subject to a semester tuition fee for the student body and social contribution, which is about 239.75 euros ($278). Generally, the minimum cost of living at this university can be estimated at around 700 euros per month ($811.7).
University of Oslo
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 7184  
The University of Oslo is the largest and oldest institution of higher education in Norway, founded in 1811 when the area was still under Danish rule. Since the University of Oslo is a public university funded by the public sector, so students do not pay tuition fees, while they pay a small semester registration fee of about 550 NOK ($63.7), this fee enables you to benefit from the services of the Student Life Foundation.
As for scholarships, they are not available to undergraduate students, while the university offers a range of scholarships for doctoral programs and beyond, and for masters in specific programs. You will need a minimum of 3,000 NOK ($347.5) for the summer term, book supplies and personal expenses, generally the cost of living.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 9113
The Humboldt University of Berlin was founded in Berlin in Germany in 1810. There are no tuition fees at this university, neither German students nor students from the European Union or even international students from any other country. However, students are required to pay a total amount of €307.09 in the summer semester.
International students receive a number of scholarships from charitable organizations and individuals, and the cost of living is around 600-700 euros ($696-812) per month.
In general, the student must provide evidence of the amount of financial resources when applying for a visa at a German diplomatic representation abroad, or for a residence permit at the Aliens Registration Office in Berlin, so that the applicant can pursue university studies without financial difficulties, at least in the start.
Free University of Berlin (Freie Universitaet Berlin)
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 10107
Here, the Free University of Berlin relies on giving outstanding students the utmost freedom to pursue ideas, combining personal freedom with strong individual support from academic advisors, and creating many opportunities for disciplinary contact with many seasoned scholars, thus encouraging postgraduate students to continue their studies.
What also encourages admission to this university is that it is free and does not charge tuition fees, as students are only responsible for paying certain fees and costs for each semester. We also note that some postgraduate students are required to pay tuition fees. Generally, the university helps students and graduates alike with scholarships.
As for the cost of living, it ranges between 600-700 euros ($696-812) including rent, food and other fees, and of course in order to obtain an entry visa or a residence permit for study purposes, you must prove that this amount is in your hands, at your disposal regardless of any job You can work with it.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 11110
The University of Ludwig is one of Europe's leading research universities, offering a broad spectrum in all fields of knowledge, from the humanities and cultural sciences, social studies, law and economics, to medicine and science.
As for tuition fees, in general, the university is free and students do not have to pay tuition fees for most programs, with the exception of some summer programs and the main ones that are taught in English, and here you have to check your individual path in education to know what you have to pay, but in general the system is free .
There are some fees for student services and a basic semester ticket, and international students help with this with limited scholarships, and some funding from all over the states of Bavaria and Germany. You can take into account your monthly expenses, since the cost of living is almost clear, and detailed, for example: if you live in private housing rooms with utilities, it will cost you 350-600 euros ($405.8-695.8), while in university housing rooms, it costs 300 euros without Utilities, 370 euros ($347.9) with utilities, health insurance 80 euros ($92.7), meals 200-250 euros ($231.9-289.1), and so on.
Heidelberg University
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 12106
Founded in 1386, Heidelberg University is the oldest university in Germany, and one of the most powerful research institutions in Europe. The university is based on research-based, structured and outstanding doctoral training and is comprehensive offering a wide range of disciplines: in the humanities, social and natural sciences, law, life sciences and medicine.
Of course, the university is free and there is no general tuition fee at the University of Heidelberg for undergraduate programmes, master’s or doctoral programmes, but some continuing education master’s programs may charge special fees.
As for scholarship assistance, there are relatively few scholarships available, most of which are provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Aus-tauschdienst - DAAD), and possibly some other institutions that assist highly qualified candidates. The cost of living is estimated at a minimum of €670 ($776.9) per month.
Technical University of Munich
Top 8 Universities in the World Where You Can Get Free Degrees 13103
The University of Munich offers a wide range of academic disciplines: engineering, natural sciences, life sciences, medicine and economics, and covers a wide range of basic and applied research. The program contains about 160 courses, 98% of which are Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
The University of Munich does not charge tuition fees for its students, students may only need to pay the student union fee and the basic semester ticket for the public transport network.
Scholarships from different groups of institutions, to students of all levels and without a distinction, help with the relatively expensive cost of living in Munich, but make sure you have enough funds for your period of study, because you cannot count on grants, and you are allowed to work Besides studying in certain circumstances, try to take advantage of that.