6strangest books in human history
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On the shelves of international libraries there are books that time may have forgotten or forgotten for reasonable reasons, I think.. Among these reasons, they are very complex and incomprehensible books, and no one can understand anything of them, or perhaps the reason is the feeling of frustration and helplessness from reading huge encyclopedic books written from By one person full of illustrations!
In this list are some books that are considered one of the strangest things that man has read throughout history.. and I want you to forget them after you finish reading!
Codex Seraphinianus
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Written in incomprehensible language and with impossible illustrations, Codex Seraphinianus is one of the most unusual books in the world published in 1981 by Italian architect Luigi Serafini..
No one knows what he intended from this book, which he considers a scientific book, as this book is full of strange pictures, handwritten and drawings that he also drew and colored by himself. He took this work with him for two years, and scholars spent many years trying to understand this book, but the result was that they had never seen such a language before, written by any human throughout history!
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On March 10, 1552, the mathematician John Dee had a friendly conversation with an angel. He had a strong belief in sciences and occult sciences, and his whole life was considered between reality and the spirit world. He had collected the largest library in London.
But one of these books caught his attention and he spent most of the time deciphering this mysterious book which was called “Soyga”.
Inside the book are approximately 40,000 randomly arranged messages that John Dee worked so hard to translate, then realized that they were magic talismans and could not decipher them, so he decided to go on a journey beyond our world where he used a spiritual means to summon the angel Uriel, and opened the conversation by asking if The book means anything. Orwell replied that this book was given to Adam in the Garden of Eden!
After the death of John Dee, the book was lost for about 500 years, but two copies of it were found, one in the British Library and the other in the Oxford Library and the symbols are still unsolved!
Prodigiorum Ac Ostentorum Chronicon
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Also known as the Chronicle of Portents and Prophecies , this book was written in 1557 by the French Conrad Lycosthenes.. It is an encyclopedic book in which he collected a huge amount of events since the time of Adam and Eve and covered many things such as documented disasters, floods, meteor showers, descriptions of sea monsters, aliens and various Religious topics!
The book is incredibly detailed and contains nearly 1,000 illustrations. There are still many commercial copies of this book out there and it sells for thousands of dollars!
Ripley Scripts
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When Isaac Newton began delving into the world of alchemy, he was greatly interested in the works of George Ripley, who wrote many works in this field, and the most important work was known as Ripley's Manuscripts.
The manuscripts were pictures explaining the recipe for making the Philosopher’s Stone, the fictional substance that turns lead into gold, and although Ripley’s manuscripts were lost, a group of 16th century artists created some works, there are now approximately 23 Ripley manuscripts, each copy differing Slightly larger than the other in terms of size, images, and details, the largest manuscript is 6 meters long and has many illustrations inside.
The Story Of The Vivian Girls
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It is one of the more bizarre and complex stories written by Henry Darger, who was working as a guard in Chicago, and he was so isolated that no one knew what he was doing, or even cared about his existence.
After his death, his 15,145-page work was discovered, entitled (The Story of Vivian's Daughters), in which he talks about unreal worlds. The book was filled with a large number of drawings and watercolors, which was later considered one of the most important works of art.
The Rohonc Codex
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It is one of the most mysterious books in our time. It was given this name in relation to the city of Ruhok in Hungary, as the written language is not understood and no one knows anything about it.. Also, the origin of this book is unknown where it came from originally, and scholars have not been able to decipher the language. .
This book was donated in the early 19th century to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is 448 pages long.
Once again, these books are not for reading, of course.. It is difficult to imagine that you are reading one of these wondrous books full of symbols and hieroglyphs, while drinking a hot cup of tea on the balcony of the house!
Let us thank God that most of them lie in the houses of academic manuscripts, out of the reach of readers!
