?  Why all this news about UFOs and aliens in 2022
?  Why all this news about UFOs and aliens in 2022 1962 
At night, when pitch-black darkness covers the horizon and complete silence pervades throughout, something like a flying saucer descends from the sky with strange creatures traveling through it, and in the midst of a green light there appears to us a creature with a big head like an inverted triangle and wide eyes that radiate power and indignation. Just got off his spaceship from outer space to invade Earth and wipe out humans."
This previous scene may have been repeated in front of your eyes several times in a cartoon movie that talks about UFOs and aliens, as these imaginative works contributed to the formation of some of the well-established concepts of most of us about outer space and the possibility of life outside our planet inhabited by creatures with evil motives.
In fact; Not only did the artworks contribute to humans adopting this emotional aspect about aliens, but also unconsciously combined two phenomena that science is still researching to this day, namely “unidentified flying objects and aliens.” Thus, the dramas linked these two phenomena and made one of them a reason for existence. The other, if you watch a spacecraft in a movie scene, you will immediately predict that it is carrying aliens, but what about the unidentified flying objects that humans have monitored over many decades, do they also carry aliens? Why has all this increased news about aliens and flying objects in the recent period? This is what we will try to find out through this report.
About Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
Let us begin the story by talking about flying objects, which are the anchor of the horse and the starting point around which rumors and rumors abound. Unidentified flying objects, otherwise known as UFOs, were called by this name due to the inability of the observer to identify them, whether they were unidentified objects or air phenomena. aerial phenomena" -UAP-. Some also call it the term "UFOs", a name that has been commonly associated with the existence of extraterrestrial beings or more advanced and intelligent worlds trying to invade the planet Earth.
History of Unidentified Flying Objects Discovery
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Many people reported seeing unidentified flying objects looming on the horizon without knowing their true identity. These observations were all recorded over the decades in different regions of the world, which raised several questions about the possibility of life on planets other than Earth, as well as the possibility of the invasion of those The creatures of our planet, which opened the door of science fiction wide open to writers and creators who left a huge output of literature and impressive cinematic works, especially after the development of air aviation systems and missile industry in the aftermath of World War II.
The first known sighting of flying objects dates back to 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen a group of nine UFOs flying at high speed near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. Arnold described these objects as crescent-shaped, and estimated their speed at thousands of miles per hour, and said that they move like saucers that jump over the surface of the water. Hence the term flying saucer.
Unidentified flying object incident in Roswell
In the same year that Arnold saw the flying objects, UFO debris 200 yards long was found near an army airfield in Roswell, New Mexico. Local newspapers reported that it was the remains of a UFO, while the US military issued a statement saying it was just a weather balloon although the newspaper's photo indicates otherwise.
The conspiracy flared further in the 1950s, when people watched dolls with rubber skin and aluminum bones fall eerily from the sky like aliens across New Mexico, but were soon picked up by military vehicles; What aroused suspicion among those who believed in Roswell's previous scenes, and this incident seemed to be a government cover-up on a very strange and secret matter. While the Air Force stated that these falling dolls are only a test method for new methods of training for pilots in fall survival mechanisms.
Fifty years later, the US military released a statement acknowledging that the Roswell wreck was part of Project Mogul, a top-secret nuclear espionage project.
blue book project
Over time, more and more unknown weather phenomena were seen, and in 1948 the US Air Force began investigating these reports in a project called Project Sign. This coincided with rising tensions in the Cold War, leading the initial view of the project participants to believe that the flying objects were most likely advanced Soviet aircraft. While some researchers have suggested that they may be spacecraft from other worlds in what is known as the extraterrestrial hypothesis .
and within a year; Project Sign succeeded in evolving into Project Grudge, and the latter was replaced in 1952 by the Project Blue Book, based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. From 1952 to 1969, the Blue Book Project compiled reports on more than 12,000 views or events, which were grouped into two groups:
Specific phenomena group: includes known astronomical or atmospheric phenomena as well as unknown industrial (man-made) events.
Unspecified group of phenomena: This group represents about 6% of the total observations, and it included cases where there was not enough information to identify them.
The Robertson Team and the Condon Society Report
The American obsession with unidentified flying objects has not ceased. In the summer of 1952, a strange series of radar and visual sightings occurred near the National Airport in Washington, D.C. Although these events were attributed to temperature fluctuations over the hot city, not everyone was convinced by this interpretation, and accordingly the number of reports of unidentified flying objects increased to a standard level.
In this regard, the Central Intelligence Agency called on the United States government to establish a committee of experts comprising specialized scientists to investigate the phenomenon. The committee was chaired by H. Robertson, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology, along with other physicists, an astronomer, and a rocket engineer. The Robertson Committee met for three days in 1953, interviewing military officers and the head of Project Blue Book, and reviewing films and photographs of flying objects.
The committee's efforts resulted in the following results:
90% of observations can be easily traced back to astronomical and atmospheric phenomena, such as planets, bright stars, meteors, aurora borealis and ionic clouds, or to terrestrial objects such as planes, balloons, birds and flashlights.
There was no clear security threat from these objects that warranted panic.
There was no evidence to support the hypothesis of extraterrestrial life. The commission kept parts of the report secret until 1979, and this long period of secrecy helped raise doubts about the reasons for the government cover-up.
A second commission was set up in 1966 at the request of the Air Force to review the most unusual cases collected by Project Blue Book. After two years of detailed study of 59 UFO sightings, this panel released its findings as a Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects also known as the Condon Report, after Edward U Condon, the physicist who headed the investigation. Condon's report was reviewed by a special committee of the National Academy of Sciences.
Like Robertson's team, the panel concluded that there was no evidence for anything other than common phenomena identified in the reports, and that the UFOs did not warrant further investigation. As a result of these statements, as well as the subsequent decline in UFO visibility, Project Blue Book disintegrated in 1969.
Area 51
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In the 1950s and 1960s, multiple sightings of UFOs were reported around Area 51 in Nevada, a highly questionable and mysterious site used by the CIA and US Air Force to test flights.
Declassified documents show that Area 51 was home to a Cold War program dedicated to creating an undetectable mid-air spy plane that could be used to gather information behind the Iron Curtain.
The SR-71 Blackbird, the F-117 Nighthawk and the A12 Flying at high speeds of more than 2,000 mph. These mysterious planes helped fuel rumors that Area 51 was being used to conduct experiments on extraterrestrial life.
US intelligence community investigations
In June of last year, the US intelligence community released a long-awaited report on unidentified flying objects that had been seen flying through prohibited military airspace over the past several decades. This report has attracted the attention of many, as the issuance of a document like that is an acknowledgment - without prior from the US government - of the need to investigate and investigate cases of strange phenomena reported by Navy pilots and others.
This was followed by urging Congress to establish an official office to carry out a "coordinated effort" on collection and analysis of UFOs.
The report examined 144 cases of what the government calls an "unidentified aerial phenomenon" (UAP), and investigators were able to explain only one phenomenon by the end of the study, a large deflated balloon. Investigators have found no evidence that the sightings represent extraterrestrial life or major technological advances by a foreign adversary such as Russia or China, but they have not ruled out the possibility of such interpretations.
A senior US official stated that of the 144 phenomena being dealt with, there are no clear indications that they are extraterrestrial objects, and he added, "Investigators are convinced that the majority of the observations were of physical objects, and what we see is not just sensors."
These flying objects fly at a high speed and in an unconventional and unpredictable manner, which put investigators in an embarrassing position to monitor and study them. However, the nine-page report makes it clear that more must be done to identify these objects; Due to the availability of a limited number of high-quality reports on Unknown Atmospheric Phenomena (UAP), this hinders the government's ability to draw firm conclusions about their nature or purpose.
But despite this challenge related to the nature of the movement of flying objects, the report concluded that it is an aviation safety problem and may pose a national security challenge to the United States.
Safety concerns are focused primarily on pilots dealing with an unstable airspace. In addition to the challenges that may impede the integrity of national security if these unknown objects belong to hostile foreign platforms, or provide evidence that a potential adversary has developed a technology to penetrate the country's security.
Of concern to national security professionals, most of the report's observations centered around US training and testing grounds; This prompted the Pentagon to issue a statement declaring its intention to subject the UFO file to official investigations.
The Pentagon is investigating reports of unidentified flying objects
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At the end of last year, the Pentagon set up a new office to investigate unidentified flying objects ( UFOs) amid concerns that it could not explain mysterious scenes near highly sensitive military areas despite extensive explorations.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, who is working with the US Director of National Intelligence, has ordered the creation of a new investigative committee in the US Department of Defense's Bureau of Intelligence and Security.
The order came five months after the release of a secret US intelligence report stating the presence of strange objects, some of which were filmed by pilots near military areas. The new commission will focus on incidents that occur in or near areas of the Air Force that are tightly controlled and have been banned from general aviation due to heightened security sensitivities.
The US military is concerned about some unknown weather phenomena observed by military pilots in the past that may represent advanced technological means for unknown strategic competitors.
"The incursion of any flying object into our flight system will raise system security concerns and may pose national security challenges," the Pentagon said in a statement.
What's new about flying objects in 2022
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The number of reported UFO sightings has increased over the past year, due to the increase in smartphones and other video equipment that has helped capture these strange phenomena in the sky.
Questions abounded about these phenomena, and most of them focused on the following: “Could these unknown weather phenomena be satellites, or technology launched by foreign governments into the atmosphere, or space junk falling from somewhere, or even floating balloons, or fake unidentified flying objects? (UFOs)?"
Why aren't speeding aliens coming from the nearest star system to the sun known as Alpha Centauri, but they lacked the brakes in their spacecraft, which led to their crash in the aforementioned New Mexico accident? All these questions will receive great attention from scientific societies and governments during the current year.
Unidentified flying object detection in 2022.
Mark Rodeghier, scientific director of the Center for the Study of Flying Objects in Chicago, said that the year 2022 will witness important developments in the detection of unknown flying objects, thanks to technical and technological development and improved monitoring tools, which will result in stronger data that enables us to study UFOs in a more scientific manner. Accuracy.
Among the promising initiatives concerned with research into the UFO file; The Galileo Project initiative that aims to identify the nature of interstellar mediums that do not resemble comets or asteroids such as the Ouumuamua body, the first known interstellar body to visit the Solar System. In addition to identifying the UAP unidentified flying phenomena of interest to the US government.
“The data from the Galileo project will be publicly available, and its scientific analysis will be transparent,” said Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb, who leads the project. Galileo's research team includes more than 100 scientists who plan to assemble the project's first telescope system on the roof of the Harvard University Observatory in the spring of 2022.
“The system will continuously record video and audio clips of the entire sky in the visible, infrared and radio bands, as well as track target objects,” Loeb said. The system's AI algorithms will distinguish birds from drones, aircraft, or any other object. Once the first system is up and running, Project Galileo will make replicas and distribute them in many geographical locations.
We do not know precisely what results will result from all the current initiatives and committees looking into the file of unknown flying objects. They may reveal unexpected information to us, and they may acknowledge the unrelatedness of flying objects and unknown atmospheric phenomena with extraterrestrial beings, and we may find evidence that proves the existence of Extraterrestrial life, who knows?!