A study reveals the remains of "advanced technology" in the Mayan civilization
A study reveals the remains of "advanced technology" in the Mayan civilization 176
Scientists from Brown University found that the famous Mayan civilization was much more advanced than is currently believed, as scientists found traces of very complex structures, classified as a kind of relatively advanced technology.
Scientists studied the site of the "Mayan" civilization using advanced remote sensing devices, where scientists found traces of very complex structures confirming that this civilization reached an advanced stage that blind people had not previously imagined.
Many previous studies claimed that the Mayans did not know agriculture, as scientists believed that peoples relied on natural resources indiscriminately, which led to the collapse of this civilization when the population increased.
Very advanced agricultural structures
But scientists found something else, according to the Brown University website. After using drones and remote sensors (lidar) to survey a small area in the western Mayan lowland, located on the current border between Mexico and Guatemala, they found something different. Completely contrary to expectations.
The survey revealed very complex irrigation systems relying on terraces, with no sign of excessive population growth.
A study reveals the remains of "advanced technology" in the Mayan civilization 2146
The results of the study showed that between the years 350 and 900 AD, the Mayan kingdom lived in great prosperity with no shortage of food, in addition to that the permanent prosperity led to progress in the field of advanced technology.
Forests cover a 'sea of secrets'
Although the Mayan settlements are still incomprehensible and mysterious to scientists, in some of the places that have been researched, such as Palenque, many of the secrets of this civilization are hidden under the dense trees, which made the sensors very necessary to reveal the invisible details of this civilization.
The team chose a rectangle of land to survey an area in which there are three kingdoms belonging to the Mayan civilization, namely the kingdoms of “Ydras Negras”, “La Mar” and “Sak Ji”, which were located in one close area despite the strong difference between them.

Although very different, a common feature of these civilizations was that the Three Kingdoms greatly developed agriculture, which provided them with abundant food sources.
The study showed that the Mayan peoples had strategic thinking through the method of preparing fields and crops "in the reserve". Extensive irrigation canals, terraces and dams were built throughout the area, and the main crop was maize.
