How do I know that my child is smart? .. 7 signs that show you
How do I know that my child is smart? .. 7 signs that show you 2446 
Intelligence in a child is often a genetic trait, that is, it is a trait that is born with the child. But in fact, this feature needs constant development and updating, if the appropriate natural conditions are found, it will increase and appear, but it may be obliterated and its features are hidden in some circumstances.
Intelligence in a child is often a genetic trait, that is, it is a trait that is born with the child. But in fact, this trait needs to be constantly developed and updated
Here we will try to determine how to know if the child is intelligent, and this is the most important first step so that you can later develop this intelligence and hone the child's skills.
Types of intelligence in children
Before answering the basic question here, which is: “How do I know that my child is intelligent?”, we must first determine what kind of intelligence we are talking about? Intelligence has many types and forms, and it is not possible, of course, to limit intelligence to school achievement only.
Among the types of intelligence: intelligence in dialogue, social intelligence, mathematical intelligence, physical intelligence, in addition to artistic intelligence. These are some types of intelligence, but not all. In all cases, work must be done to develop the child's skills and increase his intelligence in the various stages of development.

Apparent curiosity and a love of exploration are signs of a child's intelligence
Here we will give you some indicators and indications through which you can answer the most important question, which is how to know if a child is intelligent. Among these signs:
1. Apparent curiosity
This sign usually appears on the child after the age of three years, when the stage of proper pronunciation and distinguishing things around him begins, and he begins to ask about everything new, with repeated questions until he is convinced of the answer.
2. Accuracy of observation
The child is usually distinguished by a clear mind and an increase in his focus, so he notices the small changes around him and begins to ask about them. Here, the strength of the child’s observation and concentration can be tested by moving some pieces of furniture in the house, which the child must notice.
3. Diversity in the form of questions
Some children may notice their ability to diversify in questions about the same topic, starting with a direct question about a specific thing and then trying to evade and ask indirectly about the same topic, and sometimes diversification in question tools is used, using how much, if and why. In this case, we find that the child enjoys If you are intelligent in dialogue, he may be a good communicator in the future.
4. Tradition
The child begins to imitate his parents and parents at an advanced age, he may start imitating from the first year and notice him trying to repeat the movements around him, then he begins to imitate sounds until he reaches to imitate speech and the way of eating, and so on, and then focus must be placed on showing good behavior in front of the child because the child is the mirror of his parents.
5. Talking too much
Although parents sometimes appear annoyed by the child’s many words, especially in the first three years of his life, in fact, it is one of the signs of intelligence in a child, as he tries to develop his language skills and tries to draw attention constantly, so the child must be listened to and try to have a useful dialogue with him.
Children imitating adults, especially parents, are signs of a child's intelligence
It should also focus on clarity of speech, as a normal child begins to speak clearly at the age of two years, while some children begin to speak clearly after the age of 18 months only, and therefore sound speech is one of the signs of intelligence in children.
6. Distinguish colors and shapes
One of the signs of intelligence in a child is his distinction of colors and shapes at an early age, where the child can distinguish between colors at the age of two years and can express this at the age of about three years. Therefore, the child should usually be asked about colors constantly to develop his skills.
7. Stubbornness and an attempt to impose an opinion
Some children try to show a stubborn personality, reject the demands of their parents and try to impose their opinion in one way or another, and here the parents must be aware of to preserve the child's personality and choices in a proper way, and help him make the appropriate decision.
Important tips for parents
If you are wondering how do I know that my child is intelligent, you should know that the first five years of a child’s life are the most important in his life, and they are the years in which the child’s personality is built, so you should pay attention to developing the child’s skills and abilities.

The first five years of a child's life are the most important in his life and in which the child's personality is built, so attention must be paid to developing his abilities during them
And let the important question be: “How do I know that my child is intelligent?”, but the most important question is: “How do I maintain and develop my child’s intelligence?” Because most children are born with developed innate skills, but parents either show them or work to hide them completely without realizing .