“Like the Eye of the Desert” in Mauritania: Scientists are trying to explain a new image of Mars
“Like the Eye of the Desert” in Mauritania: Scientists are trying to explain a new image of Mars 2182
The European Space Agency (ESA) has published a new image of the landscape on Mars, showing a large crater and dark matter inside, resembling the shape of an eye.
The crater, with a diameter of 30 km, is located in the region of "Onia Terra", that is, the southern half of the planet Mars, and is filled with similar craters, some of which reach a diameter of 200 km soon.
This region is believed to have experienced massive impacts about 4 billion years ago, during a violent period of the early solar system known as the Late Heavy Bombardment.
Image of the eye crater, first on the left:

It should be noted that the Earth was also subjected to a violent bombardment during this period, and it is believed that this event allowed the presence of water and organic compounds on the surface of our planet.
Such images help to better study the Onia Terra region, to obtain additional information about the formation of Mars, and to discover new materials hidden in its interior.
The researchers believe that this new crater was formed thanks to rivers of liquid water that floated on the surface of Mars billions of years ago.
This image captured the attention of experts, who likened it to the "eye of the desert", West Africa in central Mauritania.
