We asked the men.. What are the qualities you prefer in a woman
 ? We asked the men.. What are the qualities you prefer in a woman 2472
Men’s tastes for women differ according to their different characteristics (fun, vexatious, calm, talkative, sane, temperamental, practical), and while some focus their attention on a particular preferred trait, ignoring others that are no less important, others see that the most important thing is a sense of security and  understanding in the relationship. Marriage, which cannot be achieved without mastering the balance between all qualities and dealing with matters in a more prudent manner, and the issue of the success of the marital relationship remains subject to the choice of each partner for his partner to complement each other.
How do some men prefer women? What is a woman's idea of ​​a man's view of her? Is there a general rule for choosing each of them?
This is what “the whole family” observed in its survey of the qualities that men prefer in women:
1- strong women
? We asked the men.. What are the qualities you prefer in a woman 6201 
A man prefers a woman who can stand with him and draw strength from her
Alaa Nasr, married and father of three children, prefers that women possess reason, fun, calmness and realism. He says, “In every situation, the importance of each of these qualities appears. In situations that require seriousness, a man prefers to find a woman who can stand with him and derive strength from her, On the contrary, he prefers to find it in joyful situations, leaving exaggerated realism, enjoying the time and living with it the state of complete happiness .
Regarding the percentage of women who possess these qualities, Nasr reveals, “Unfortunately, only a small percentage of women can have these qualities.”
He points out with a laugh, "The sullenness, drama, and exaggeration in maximizing things are one of the characteristics of a woman that cannot be changed."
He explains, “After seven years of marriage, I became more understanding of the hardship and suffering a woman endures during pregnancy and childbirth, and what these stages of suffering require from her and make more effort, by avoiding going into some details and postponing the matter for a later time in order to avoid putting her under greater pressure than she is suffering.” from him".
2- The merry woman
? We asked the men.. What are the qualities you prefer in a woman 7209 
Men prefer a cheerful woman who greets them with a smile and joy after a long day at work
Muhammad Qadir draws attention to the issue of the similarity of both men and women in their personal faces, which can all appear within one day or hour, “The idea of ​​sullenness or fun or other qualities cannot be applied to a woman without a man, it can be either of them at any time. To be cheerful and in a good mood, and after a short period of time, he can be sad, irritable or serious, depending on the situation or situation he is going through.”
He continues, "However, the great majority of men prefer a cheerful woman who receives them with a smile and joy after the trouble of a long day at work." Qader explains the importance of feeling safe and achieving understanding in the marital relationship  , “What matters for a man, apart from the prominent characteristic of a woman’s personality, is that he has sufficient intelligence to understand all circumstances, to be strong, sane, and reliable to face life’s difficulties without expressing it, but unfortunately in Our eastern societies impose the involuntary nature of the man’s formation on the wife to perform dual roles or a specific behavior to gain the husband’s approval.”
3- The smart woman
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Intelligence and calmness are among the most important qualities that a man prefers in a woman
Atheer Al-Qutbi does not stop at the point of the grumpy and cheerful woman, as he sees the success of the marital relationship needs more than that. He explains, “Intelligence and calm are among the most important qualities that men prefer in women, as calm is linked to understanding and their ability to deal with matters slowly, away from noise and creating disputes, Strong-tongued refuses to impose her desires and opinion without reaching a meeting point, while the intelligent spreads joy in her ability to create an entertaining atmosphere.

He continues, “the presence of a practical, non-dependant woman who gives everything its right and its time increases for the Capricorn man (one hand cannot clap).” Al-Qutbi points to the importance of the strength of personality. In front of society, family, friends and relatives, the consequences of the chaotic choice are dire for the children.”
