Outputs and recommendations of the open consultative meeting on questions about the future of the Amazigh movement in Morocco, Rabat, April 15, 2022
Outputs and recommendations of the open consultative meeting on questions about the future of the Amazigh movement in Morocco, Rabat, April 15, 2022 6202 
Starting from the diagnosis made by the participants of the reality of the Amazigh movement, there is almost unanimity on the existence of a crisis and stagnation in Amazigh work, especially after the constitution of the Amazigh dimension in national identity and the adoption of the Amazigh language as an official language. The following:
1. Establishing a new charter for the Amazigh movement that keeps pace with the political and social context, and sets new goals to be the pillar of the Amazigh movement’s discourse in the future and a roadmap for post-constitutional work.
2. Gathering political currents around a social contract and a common strategy. And work to bring the readings and projects of the political papers of the currents of the Amazigh movement into one unitary project that brings together around the agreed minimum, and to work on building a political project that serves the Amazighness and makes it among its priorities.
3. Calling for the holding of a national forum that brings together all the components of the Amazigh movement, and keenness to prepare accurate draft papers and floors that can be translated into future plans and programs of work, while creating extensions to the dynamics
of the national forum through the formation of a committee to follow up on its recommendations.
4. Establishing a culture of recognition and respect for what the men and women of the Amazigh labor have presented from different generations, and working to capitalize and record all individual and collective experiences and initiatives.
5. Work to establish clarity and mutual trust among the components of the movement and to involve them in
future projects and strategies, not to be excluded, and to avoid treason.
6. Searching for the integration of capabilities and wills between different and multi-pronged currents and projects.
7. Openness, communication, negotiation, interaction and joint action with the progressive, modern and democratic components of Moroccan civil and political society.
8. Recognizing the role of women and the struggles they carried out to serve the Amazigh culture, and to involve women in the future strategy.
9. The repetition of such meetings in order to work together within the minimum and possible framework and to overcome the situation of fragmentation and division.
10. The search for the common in the Amazigh movement, and the concern for convergence between generations.
11. Creating a democratic space for dialogue, consultation, and sharing of expertise and experience.
12. Reorganizing the self and setting interim goals to fortify the gains and advance the proper interpretation of the requirements of the constitution to counter regression.
13. Openness to the new social dynamics in various regions and regions, whether related to the defense of the land or development demands or others.
14. Exploiting the possibilities offered by alternative media and social media to communicate, mobilize and influence public opinion.
15. Creating thematic working groups to study the files of education, communication, the judiciary, culture and others, relying on specialists in these fields, and organizing meetings to own and invest the work of the groups to develop a future strategy.
16. Betting on associative and civil work, reorganizing the self and intensifying the holding of conferences and organizational groups.
17. Stabilizing the work base on the political, cultural and developmental wings.
18. Creation of a national observatory to track gains and evaluate public policies and government plans related to the Amazigh issue.
19. Strengthening mechanisms of joint action and coordination, while ensuring mutual support in the issues raised, whether by those who chose to work within the framework of a political party or an association organization.
20. Forming functional and thematic committees to prepare parallel reports to the Moroccan state’s reports regarding the extent of its commitment
Implementing and respecting international conventions on human and peoples’ rights, and advancing them on many issues such as education, media and freedom of association...
about holding an open consultative meeting
