An international forum celebrating Morocco's prehistoric heritage at UNESCO headquarters in Paris
An international forum celebrating Morocco's prehistoric heritage at UNESCO headquarters in Paris 2194
Next Friday, the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris will host an international forum dedicated to presenting the richness and diversity of Morocco's prehistoric heritage in light of recent archaeological discoveries.
A statement by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication stated that, in order to ensure the representation of the various types of its ancient heritage and to provide an effective intellectual contribution to the concept of the heritage of humanity, “the Kingdom of Morocco will organize on June 17, 2022 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris an international forum with the participation of researchers and specialists in prehistoric sciences from various university institutions Moroccan and international.
The same source added that this forum will be an occasion to present “the richness and diversity of Morocco’s prehistoric heritage in the light of recent archaeological discoveries, as is the case with the archaeological artifacts that were found in the Bismoun Grotto, in the region of Essaouira.

The statement pointed out that the artifacts dating back between 142,000 and 150,000 years ago, which can be considered among the oldest finds discovered in human history, represent the oldest symbolic human behavior.
He added that Morocco was a cradle of civilizations, and history and geography are rarely as serious as they are. As a result of this prominent past, it has acquired a cultural heritage that is recognized for its authenticity, significance and richness at the global level.
The communiqué noted that if the Kingdom is to be proud of its sites included in the World Heritage List for Humanity, which are mainly urban sites (cities, ancient cities), then some items such as prehistoric heritage have not been elevated to a world heritage, although some elements of this heritage The precious has enabled a scientific re-reading of the ancient history of human groups and deserves to be nominated for entry into the list of human heritage.