? Why Should You Worry If Your Child Is Very Polite
? Why Should You Worry If Your Child Is Very Polite 2204
Polite kid:
We all strive to be perfect parents. From the moment of conception, parents become slaves to the idea that nothing should be done wrong. They are taught that every mistake they make, even the smallest mistake, causes formative disruptions in a child's life.
Today, parents must devote themselves completely and give up their lives in pursuit of the rights of the child, starting with the most appropriate healthy food, new methods of education, all the way to comfortable games. Parents should never doubt themselves, or think that they are not up to the role assigned to them.
After a few stressful nights or hours of incessant screaming from their child, they have no right to think of giving up and going back to their previous life. Other than that they cannot simply dare, even for a few seconds, to wish for some calm or stop running in all directions to complete the required tasks and fulfill the demands of their child.
And if they think about it even for a moment, they will be unable to sleep for a few days because they feel great regret.
With this in mind, we will give you some important ideas about ideal parenting in order to be an ideal parent.
As a parent, you should be concerned in the following cases:
If your child is perfectly clean all days, all the time.
If your child cleans his room regularly, he doesn't leave dirty dishes, dirty towels and socks around the house.
If your child never argues, never tries to prove that he is right or that he is a victim of great injustice.
If your child never returns from school claiming that the teacher is the reason he got a bad grade because he gives homework on subjects he didn't explain in class, or console himself saying that all his classmates got a bad grade too.
If he never lies, or at least doesn't try.
If he's never late, unless surely if he has a convincing argument, or feels calmed by the drama you're unleashing.
If your child loves to eat all kinds of food and does not complain at all, does not protest anything, does not ask for a burger, and prefers spinach to pizza, because he understands the rules of a healthy diet.
And if your child calmly accepts and respects all the advice given to him, because he respects the experience and good intentions of his parents, and at the same time he does not express problems with acceptance or boredom , does not yawn, and does not say that he has to do something else at some point.
If he never expresses his wish to have different parents in order to be a happier person.
If he wants to spend time with his family and not with his friends, he refuses to play outside the house because he prefers to stay with his family.
If your child always tells you everything, because he fully understands that there are no better friends than parents.
When we ask him who is his role model in life, he mentions one of his parents, not one of his favorite celebrities.
He speaks calmly, memorizes complete sentences without making facial movements or moving his hands or knocking on the door, without getting up to clarify and explain things, without singing while you say something to him…etc.
? Why Should You Worry If Your Child Is Very Polite 687
If your child is doing any of the things mentioned above you should be concerned.
Because there may be two reasons behind this.
The first reason may come from the parents who are most likely to lie, because all children do the mentioned things, but very few will admit it. These parents eat quietly on their own, thinking that all other children are better than their own. They wonder among themselves what they have done in their lives to deserve such a bad child.
There are also parents whose children do not really do any of this, but they themselves have to answer the following question: Do you
? raise your children or your arrogance

When is our child really a child? Is it really a child or is it a reflection of the parents' desire to be perfect? What they really aren't. In fact, if they are truly idealistic, they will not seek to enhance their vanity and social image at the expense of their child.
There may be another reason stemming from the child himself. If a child is doing at least three of the above, you should really worry. Especially if the change is sudden.
Why? Because he is simply trying to seem perfect, for one of the following reasons:
To earn your love and respect
Which means that you either seduced him or threatened him. Which means, in fact, that you put some conditions for your love for him. And most likely you may have done it unintentionally.

? Mom, can you give me a hug
Yes baby, as soon as you finish tidying your room!
To hide a big mistake he'd made
We all did this one day. Your partner does this when you get angry when you know he spent a lot of money on shoes. The child is actually trying to fix things by adopting exemplary behaviour.
So he thinks, “If my parents scold me, it better be for one reason. If they're so mad that I didn't eat all of my food, I'll do the dishes, save myself, and that's it!"
