A study suggests that humans used fire a million years ago, after analyzing an archaeological site in Israel
  A study suggests that humans used fire a million years ago, after analyzing an archaeological site in Israel 2496 
An artificial intelligence technology has discovered traces of fires at an archaeological site about one million years old in Israel, according to a new study published in the journal "New Scientist".
The study indicated that the researchers used software algorithms to examine the stones collected from the ancient coastal archaeological site "Evron Quarry", in the north of the country.
The program was developed to discover the precise and complex marks left by the fire on the flint pieces inside the non-archaeological sites in the Israeli countryside.
For its part, Ha'aretz newspaper clarifies that scientists do not confirm that humans set fire to this million-year-old site. But the study enables the development of spectroscopic techniques by which it is possible to tell whether ancient stone tools were artificially heated, even if there was no visible trace of fire.
If this technique proves effective, it will give new information about the time period in which modern humans started using fire and for what purpose.
The researchers did not expect to find traces of fire in the "Ephron Quarry". Rather, they chose it because it contained the same type of flint used to train the AI ​​program. So to their great surprise, the program showed that many flint tools had been heated to temperatures of up to 400 degrees Celsius.
It is reported that information is still conflicting about the time period in which human ancestors began using fire. Previous archaeological discoveries suggested that this period dates back to about 400,000 years, while other studies indicate that it may reach 1.5 million years. 
