The discovery of the fastest growing black hole in the modern universe: "It swallows an Earth-sized mass every second"
The discovery of the fastest growing black hole in the modern universe: "It swallows an Earth-sized mass every second" 2498 
Astronomers have discovered a huge black hole that is growing so fast that it is 7000 times brighter than the Milky Way, and every second it swallows an amount of material equal to the mass of the Earth.
Scientists believe that this hole is the fastest growing of all holes during the past nine billion years. Black holes emit radiation, scientifically known as quasars, which are the brightest individual objects in the universe.
The huge black hole, discovered by the Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, was called SMSS J114447.77-430859.3, and an analysis of its properties indicates that the light from its feeding traveled about 7 billion light-years to reach us, and that it is larger than the mass of the Sun by about 2.6 billion times.
Despite its huge size, previous surveys were unable to notice it due to its location, 18 degrees above the level of the galaxy, if it approaches the level of 20 degrees maximum.
It's worth noting that other black holes of similar size stopped growing billions of years ago, but this newly discovered one is still getting bigger. It is now 500 times larger than Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way.