? What are the best eco-tourism places in the world
 ? What are the best eco-tourism places in the world 2499
In winter, nature is a destination for many ecotourists. For them, nature in this cold weather is a special experience. Especially since it does not usually receive many "normal visitors", and is not exposed to pollution and disturbance. These trips are suitable for those looking for fun, meditation and sports such as walking, skiing, jogging and camping. Eco-tourists usually enjoy scenic views, wildlife and rare plants, as well as visiting forests for environmental educational purposes or to hold seminars or meetings between environmentalists, who share their experiences and transfer them through the meeting on these trips.
Ecotourism is one of the most exciting and adventurous experiences
However, what distinguishes ecological trips is that they are less expensive, and the tourist can document strange things with his camera, such as animals or mountain scenes, waterfalls, rivers and lakes, and these trips usually carry interesting adventures. Here is a list of the best eco-tourism places in the world:
1 - Blue Mountains (Australia)
The Blue Mountains is a very famous mountainous region, which is located in New South Wales, Australia. This area has been declared a World Heritage Site and is also a favorite among environmentalists. This area is highly recommended for eco-tourists, due to its best in natural beauty, culture and history, beautiful waterfalls, prehistoric jungle scenes and a very deep valley.
2 - Amazon Rainforest (Brazil)
The tropical Amazon rainforest, which is located in Brazil, is also known as Amazonia. This place is also known as a storehouse of natural resources, and produces approximately 20% of the oxygen produced by all the tropical rainforests in the world. We find that the Amazon rainforest is inhabited by hundreds of species of animals, plants, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, and therefore is very interesting to nature lovers.
3 - Himalayas (Nepal)
In the Himalayas, tourists see a variety of natural changes, and this region offers various adventures in addition to the presence of Mount Everest, which is the highest mountain peak in the world. There lies the most amazing combination of elements of nature that you can see when crossing the forest. And along the corridor can be seen very charming sights that attract thousands of travelers every year.
4 - Antarctica
Antarctica is an untouched beauty that makes you feel as if you have slipped into a world of fantasy, named for its white landscapes that will immerse your senses of vision in no time. You will also enjoy the beauty when you see hundreds of whales inside, albatross and penguins.

5- Alaska
You can include Alaska in your list of ecotourism destinations. The stunning views of the glaciers and the wildlife there offer you millions of fun adventures. There are also different scenic routes available for those who like to cycle and walk, while 100,000 glaciers cover a number of landscapes. Through the cities along the coast, you can explore parts of the national parks by boat, which will make your vacation more enjoyable and beautiful.
6 - Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a natural paradise and one of the preferred destinations for ecotourism worldwide. This paradise is supported by a variety of amazing biological beauties that attract thousands of tourists every year. Costa Rica is surrounded by a number of resources and landscapes that you should not miss. Costa Rica has a variety of fresh and saltwater fish, as well as a variety of reptiles, amphibians, and plants. There are also enough challenges to spark your curiosity to explore the caves and the different types of exotic woods.
7 - Dominica
If you want to enjoy the authenticity of nature and rich culture in one place, then perhaps Dominica is the place for you. Authentic nature is still the preferred destination for hikers and divers, as it represents the beauty of endless adventure. Dominica is a testament to the natural beauty of the Caribbean, and is a prime destination for travelers there, with rich forests covering mountains, springs, rivers and waterfalls. It is also the ideal place to stay amidst a variety of exotic plants and different animals, not forgetting of course the coral reefs, rivers and coasts.
8 - Kenya
Kenya is famous for its vast plains, which means there are many elephants and tigers there. We also find a beautiful beach there, mountains, deserts, lakes and forests, which give unparalleled beauty. Kenya has about 50 national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, which stretch from the Masai Mara National Park to the Kaka Mega Nature Reserve. Kenya offers a relaxing atmosphere and environment for your special holiday.
