The Close Relationship Between The Mother And Her Child: What Are The Risks?
?The Close Relationship Between The Mother And Her Child: What Are The Risks 2507 
Excessive and exclusive attachment of a child to a parent is unfair to the child and is a very heavy burden on the mother. There is nothing natural for a woman to have to stop all other activities and devote herself completely to her children.
Education by association or natural education, or closely or by instinct and instinct, is a trend that is becoming increasingly popular and popular at the present time based on the belief in the child's instinct and the need to meet all his needs.
This upbringing is based on the habits of parents who used to live by hunting and gathering fruits and who generally carry their children close to their bodies all the time, so that the child is in tangible and permanent contact with his mother, who breastfeeds him on demand.
For this reason, baby carriers and napkins are increasingly used today, in which mothers carry their children during the day while they go about their daily chores, and the children sleep at their side at night.
This method often requires a complete commitment from the mother to her child and can be exhausting and leave her feeling isolated.
Perhaps the problem is that we forget the important difference between modern education in association and true natural education.
Today, this method mainly means the attachment of the child to his mother, and sometimes to his father, while children were created to be connected to a greater number of people who belong to their community.
We must not forget that living in an apartment, and in isolation from other members of society, is an environment that is contrary to nature from the perspective of development and growth.
For most of human history, people lived in huts, and the tribe formed the nucleus of society, consisting of 20 to 50 people who work together and move together from one camp to another, depending on the abundance of hunting or in search of expendable plants.
As they moved, they formed a makeshift camp and slept as a group.
With the exception of bedtime, people spent time outside with the other members of the tribe.
Marriages existed and children’s relationships with their parents
?The Close Relationship Between The Mother And Her Child: What Are The Risks 6228
 were privileged, but parents do not “own” their children in the way we live parenting today.
The boys somehow return to the whole group. Everyone looks after them and takes care of them.
Each had an advanced relationship with each child and the children themselves, even infants, actively influenced these relationships.
From a developmental perspective , it makes sense for boys to seek close relationships with as many different people as possible, not just their parents.

First, during a long period of human history, parents often died before their children were even older. Losing a parent is always a sad event, but if a child finds other people he can count on, it is not so tragic.
The goal of childhood has always been for the boy to become an independent person, able to build relationships with the many different people on whom one depends for his survival and reproduction.

This cannot be learned if he confines his attention and attention to the mother and the father, but rather he must expand his attention to include many different people who have different personalities, have different needs, and can offer different things to the children.