??What are the ways to punish a child before the age of two years

Welcome to all visitors to the world of my child, if we ask the following question: What are the ways to punish a child before two years of age?? In sum, he is not punished, because he does not understand and is not aware of right from wrong, so he recognizes during this period the right and wrong from the facial expressions and reactions of the parents. If he behaves well, kissing, embracing, smiling, and patting his hair and body, and words of encouragement motivate him to repeat the good deed. With repetition whenever misbehaving.
??What are the ways to punish a child before the age of two years 2224
The most important thing we need to know about a child before the age of two years:
At the birth of the child, it is placed on the mother’s breast as soon as after birth so that he can take colostrum milk, which will strengthen his immunity for life. Herbs, water or artificial milk are strictly prohibited, and he must take the hepatitis vaccination in the first 24 hours of his life.
Every newborn baby should visit the pediatrician a day or two after birth to hear the heartbeat, check weight, height, head circumference and head opening, rule out birth defects, and follow up on breastfeeding, growth and neonatal jaundice regularly with the pediatrician.
During the first 6 months of the child, there are no specific dates for sleeping or feeding, the child breastfeeds as needed and sleeps as desired.
Child vaccinations are very important and this issue should not be neglected. The child has a number of important vaccinations in his life, hepatitis B vaccination in the first 24 hours after birth and then tuberculosis and polio vaccination points, and a heel sample in the first 10 days and then vaccination for two months The vaccination of 4 months, the vaccination of 6 months, the vaccination of 9 months, the vaccination of a year, a year and a half, and the vaccinations of the campaigns at the time of their arrival.
Breastfeeding is indispensable and its benefits are very important and many are not attained or promised, and artificial feeding is not by demand or by mood, but by the prescription of the pediatrician in very, very few cases.
For every male child (less than a year old), you must check that the testicles are inside the scrotum, and purity is better in the first 6 months of his life.

Every child from the age of one to two years takes vitamin D four drops once daily in the first year and 6 drops once daily in the second year.
Every child at the age of 4 months to two years takes Enrich iron 5 drops once daily in the first year and half a drop once daily in the second year.
Colic, bloating, hiccups, and hoarseness within reasonable limits are all normal in the first 6 months.
All children at the age of one year have a complete blood picture and iron stores analyzed in the blood to ensure that there is no anemia.
Every child under two years of age, it is better to prevent television from it completely and in any way.
Also, a very important point, the treadmill is completely prohibited for children because its negative residuals are very many.
The child starts eating from the fourth month until the end of the sixth month, according to the child’s condition and the opinion of the doctor following the child and according to the child’s ability and do not compare it with others. Each child has its own peculiarities in eating.
Any child under the age of one year is prohibited from salt, sugar, egg whites, honey, red meat, canned juices and soft drinks in order to preserve his health.
The child stiffens his head from 3 to 6 months, and can sit propped up from 4 to 6 months and can sit alone from 6 to 9 months, and crawling from 9 months to a year.
And there are children who do not crawl and stand supported from 10 months to one year and two months, and they can walk supported from one year to one and a half years, and they can walk on their own from one year and 5 months to two years.

Any child who has reached the age of one and a half years and does not know how to say at least one word should be exposed to a pediatrician who examines him well.
The child begins teething from 4 months to a year and the order and appearance of the teeth is not fixed and is not important in the end, all his teeth will be formed at the appropriate time.
? How is a child before two years punished
Any behavior of a child under two years of age is curiosity on his part, not stubbornness. At this stage, the child learns about the world around him, and he has a curiosity to know things. He wants to hold them, turn them, recognize their shape and color, touch and taste them, and may try putting them in his nose or ear. . His curiosity may lead him to hold things that are harmful to him, such as electricity, a knife, or scissors, as he does not know that these things are harmful, and all you have to do from the beginning is to keep them away from him.
Do not scold him or yell at him just because he tried to catch what harms him, take him calmly from him so that he does not have a desire to get to know him again, and divert his attention to something else and do not accuse him of stubbornness, as he is just curiosity.
When he drops juice or food or breaks a cup or commits a domestic calamity, he does not mean it to be punished for it, he wants to discover and enjoy what he discovers. All these things are considered by the child as entertaining games. Do not let him control you and be careful.. When the child finds that he was able to draw your attention or provoke you by committing these actions, he has an incentive to commit them again. He has realized how to control you, and how to draw your attention to him. He felt that you were preventing him from enjoying something like playing. He made the same mistake, wanting to take revenge on you and provoke you.

Try as much as possible to control your nerves completely when he commits such household misfortunes, and frowns, a sharp look, and a strong hum are enough for him, and prevent him from continuing until he differentiates between right and wrong.
Ways and keys that you can deal with if the child makes a mistake:
