4Mistakes To Discipline Your Children To Avoid
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Mistakes in Disciplining Your Children: Do you feel unable to understand your child? You are wrong..because understanding a child is easier than changing the gears in your car..here are 4 things to avoid when trying to discipline your children and control their behavior..give
timeouts, rewards, logical consequences, deprive them of privileges,...if you have tried all the classic methods To get your child to listen to you but still hit or tease his little brother, you may be sabotaging your efforts to discipline your child by making one of the following 10 mistakes. Stay away from these mistakes and see how your child's behavior will change for the better.

Reprimand him in public
Any potentially dangerous behavior such as running down the street or pushing another child away from the swings should always be promptly dealt with. But avoid disciplining your child in front of others. When you do this, your child will be more focused on who's hearing the conversation, than on what you're trying to teach," says Erica Richer, Ph.D., author of What Great Parents Do: 75 Simple Strategies for Raising Kids Who. Find a private place where you can talk about what just happened without anyone else hearing and seeing. If you can't be alone with him, point out his bad behavior briefly and tell him that you will discuss it later at home. And do not forget to fulfill your promise to hold him accountable for his actions.
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Giving him vague instructions
You've asked your son a million times not to throw his jacket on the floor, so why does he keep doing that? Believe it or not, maybe he didn't really understand what I asked of him. After all, reminding your child to "act", for example, means one thing in play history (switch roles and share) and something completely different at the cinema (sit quietly). “Make your directions as specific as possible,” advises Larissa Nick, Ph.D., director of the Center for Children, Families, and Communities at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant. She adds: "Also tell your child what to do ("Please hang your jacket on the hanger when you get inside") rather than ("Don't throw your things on the floor"). The same is true of reprimand.
When two-year-old Geneva hit her mother Tracy, her mother told her: “No to hitting.” But Geneva kept hitting her, so the mother decided to take another approach. She told her, “We don’t hit people, and if you’re angry, you can hit a pillow.” Then she stroked Geneva’s arm and said, “Hands.” to touch gently.” The letter reached Geneva quickly.

Bribery to get quick results
Perhaps you are trying to reduce your child’s crying when you are in the supermarket by promising him to buy sweets when you have finished shopping..This method of bribery may work in the short term and in this says Jeffrey Garder, Ph.D. in Education and author of the book Practical Education: “Bribery is the reward of the child Over a bad job..so don't be surprised your child has a tantrum the next time he gets what he wants. A child should realize that proper behavior – whether it is waiting patiently in line or being kind to his brother is not rewarding but is simply expected of him.”
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neglecting hunger
You can't expect your daughter to be at her best when her tummy is empty (no wonder she grumbles!). Hunger makes it difficult for her to focus and can exacerbate misbehavior. Your baby needs to eat to be able to listen to you. Try what Dr. Reacher calls a "substitute ingredient." Immediately let your child know about his mistake ("I saw you picking up your brother's toy from his hands.. You're hungry, aren't you? Let's talk about it after a snack"). This late-disciplining approach also works when the child is sleepy. “If you are tired or hungry, you are more likely to lose your patience as well,” says Dr. Richer.
Stay tuned in the next article for the other six mistakes in disciplining your children
