A specialized Japanese institute acknowledges the existence of "non-human" flying objects
A specialized Japanese institute acknowledges the existence of "non-human" flying objects 2229
Shafaq News/ Western media reported on Sunday that a Japanese institute specializing in unidentified flying objects concluded that there are non-human flying objects after reviewing hundreds of testimonies.
And the media reported that the Japanese institute examined and studied more than 450 certificates received, and concluded that four of them "with a high degree of probability may be unidentified flying objects."
The results were presented by the institute's president, Takaharu Mikami, and among the four photos and videos deemed by the staff to be the most reliable, two were taken from 2021, and two more from 2018 and 2022.
The images show a dark object, the shape of which makes the viewer conjure up the common notion of alien ships.
In the video materials, objects that are not dark, but, on the contrary, are light in color. In the first video, a white ball shape flies along an almost vertical upward trajectory, leaving behind a short tail.
The second video shows an elongated white object hovering over the mountains at night.
These four "evidences" were described as "the most likely" after all material collected during the year was analyzed using a special computer program to ascertain whether the video was authentic and whether it had been altered or falsified.
