How do you encourage your child to recognize and express his feelings?? The most important tips and directions that will help you a lot
Hello all visitors to my dear child's world, most of the feelings that we adults deal with such as anger, sadness, happiness, frustration, jealousy, and others are the same  . Young children also deal with the same feelings  and may not be able to express them in words like us, so we must as parents And mothers help them identify these feelings so that they are gradually able to express them and express them clearly.
??How do you encourage your child to recognize and express his feelings 2543 
How do you encourage your child to recognize and express his feelings?? The most important tips and directions that will help you a lot
The most important tips to help your child recognize and express his feelings:
First of all, you need to show your child that you are physically there for him. This means that you bend to his level when he tells you something, sit close to him while listening to him, maintain eye contact and do not mutter your responses. Show him that you are listening and that you will stay in the present when he expresses his feelings.
 Listen to him sympathetically:
 Let your child know that you are adjusting to whatever they are feeling through compassion and empathy and ask them questions such as 'You look sad, can you tell me what happened?' or “How do you feel about that?” would be more effective than yelling at him or dismissing the issue.
 Help him give a name to his feelings:
 When your child is angry or frustrated, help him identify how he is feeling. Name them and teach him how to name his feelings in words that match his level of understanding. This will help him develop empathy to recognize his own feelings along with those of others around him.
 Provide physical comfort to the child:
 Helping preschoolers deal with feelings also means making deep contact with them. Patiently listen to your child when he is angry and help him identify his feelings and try to see the problem from his point of view. A hug will help him greatly in regulating his troubled emotions.  The use of positive reinforcement when your child expresses himself in an appropriate and polite manner mixed with praise and praise, helps him to continue to express his feelings in a stable manner.
Do not dismiss his feelings:
 It is very important that you do not ignore your child's feelings by saying things like "Stop whining" or "Don't you dare lose your temper with me." This will create a belief in your child that his feelings are not important and that he is not worthy of attention, leading to problems such as low self-esteem in the future and undermining his self-confidence.
 Troubleshooting entry:
 Once your child begins to recognize and verbally express feelings, try listening and responding with problem-solving statements, such as, "Okay, so how do you think we can make this situation good for everyone?" or "Let's think of a way to make you feel better and what would make you feel better."
 Respond to his cues when your child is young:
  The best way to let him know that you acknowledge his feelings is to respond when he calls you. When he cries or screams, show him that you are listening and that you are making time for him. If he grows up without proper reactions from you, it can cause problems later in life making him feel that no one wants to listen to him.
 Do not punish him:
 Resist the urge to punish your child if he throws a tantrum or shows anger. This does not help him express his feelings because he will feel "bad", this will suppress these feelings until one day he faces a breakdown. Give him a calm role model (don't raise your voice and listen patiently), and give him activities that help him express his feelings better.
  Resist Exaggeration:
 Do not encourage your child to express his feelings without considering the needs of others. Listen, let him get angry and cry for a while but then close the topic by treating it constructively. Do not allow the behavior to continue beyond a certain point.
 Practice is very important:
 Always try as much as possible to practice with your child strategies for expressing his feelings every time he feels something extra. Talk about feelings with your child during activities such as driving or eating dinner. This is a good support for your child.
 Discuss how you feel:
 Show your child that in order to express your feelings you have to make room to talk about them. Tell him what feelings you're feeling and why you're feeling them. Like "I feel sad because no one helps me with the chores - I'm tired of doing it myself." This will teach him to separate the emotion from its cause, and to watch you as a role model.
Learn alternate ways of expression:
 You have to make your son understand that it is not okay to take his feelings out of someone else. Help him express his anger in other ways by directing him in activities such as running, exercising, swimming, painting, etc. These are positive ways to express frustration or anger.
 Use a picture book:
 Using a picture book when your child is frustrated is a great way to help him explain how he is feeling by pointing to the pictures in the book. This will help the child recognize facial expressions and will help him to be more empathetic to other people's feelings as well.
 It takes a great deal of determination and practice on the part of the parents when helping a child express their feelings in an appropriate manner even when the child is not showing any emotion. Encourage your child by urging him, listening to him and staying calm at all times. Encourage and praise him when he expresses his feelings well, and be sympathetic when he is struggling. Be attentive to your child's needs and be a good facilitator of their feelings. This will help him learn to recognize and express it in a stable way, and your efforts will pay off in the long run as he becomes a mature and empathetic adult in the future.