9Outdated Ideas, But We Still Plant Them In The Minds Of Our Children
 9Outdated Ideas, But We Still Plant Them In The Minds Of Our Children  2242
We all want our children to be happy and to be successful in their lives. That is why we adopt, in order to educate them, ideas that we consider essential to achieve everything that leads to success. We teach them that they must obey the elders, concentrate on their studies, but it does not occur to us that such instructions might play against them in the future. It has been found that some popular popular teachings can pose a danger to the future of new generations. So, what awaits us in 10 to 20 years?
Naturally, emerging problems require emerging solutions. That is why we offer you some outdated ideas, which we must stop imposing on our children; We explain to you what the consequences of these bad ideas are; Here are some helpful tips.
“My baby is getting the best”
Raising a spoiled child is a children's game. Professor Frederick Neumann, Director of the Center for Anxiety and Phobias, explains that the hallmark of a spoiled child is his indifference to the desires of others: "He wants what he wants, when he wants it." When you submit to your children's whims, you do them no favors. As this boy grows up, he becomes his own enemy: dependency, irresponsibility, bad communication, selfishness and excessive consumption make these people miserable.
The best solution is to set precise boundaries, define the responsibilities of the boy, pay attention to his behavior and actions, and not tolerate any rude behavior towards himself and the people around him. It is also better to teach him to love physical labor and to make him understand the value of money. One way to do this, for example, is to help him find his first job.
“We must always obey the elders.”
Parents often dream that their child is always sane. But they do not take into account that blind obedience can do harm in the future. Psychologist Laura Markham believes that obedient boys become submissive as they grow up.
They are much less able to defend themselves, and much more likely to become victims of manipulators and deviants. They carry out orders blindly, without questioning anything and without taking responsibility for their actions. That is why it is very important to teach your child to say “no” and express his opinion.
“A good mark is 10/10, the rest means nothing.”
Imposing the superior student complex on your son will make him a gangster figure for the rest of his life. The best thing a parent can do is to explain to their child that his failures don't affect his relationships, and that he will always be loved and heard.
According to psychologist Christina Domaret, failure is beneficial for children in many ways: It teaches them how to control negative situations and gives them a life experience that allows them in the future to tackle difficult problems without fear of failure. This makes us understand:

Stories of people who succeeded in life even though they never got good marks and
Those who achieved outstanding school results but did not adapt to life. Class 1) Able to meet any challenge and fight for any goal. Class 2) often don't try because they are afraid of failure.
"Don't fight, be kind to others"
Everyone should know how to defend themselves. If we teach the boy that he can never attack another person, he will always be silent and bear all the attacks. In the future, it will not fit to work in a competitive environment.
But teaching him to attack anyone who looks down on him is also an extremism that we must avoid.
How does he deal with aggressors? Does he attack them with his fist, or is he satisfied with verbal communication? Discussions on this topic do not stop, but psychologists agree on one point: the boy must know that he has the right to defend himself. If you teach him how to respond, it will be a real gift for his future life.
