How To Teach Our Children Good Behavior And Get Rid Of Rude Behavior In A Week
How To Teach Our Children Good Behavior And Get Rid Of Rude Behavior In A Week 2243
Teaching a child to behave:
Nowadays, children spend a lot of time in front of screens. Some parents believe that this is in line with the times and the development of educational methods.
Others think that it is very harmful for their children and do their best to prevent these bad habits.
Whatever your opinion of it, one thing is for sure, children in this age have become more aggressive. We can also note that lack of politeness has become common.
Is it due to the time they spend in front of the screen? To an extent... that's only partially true. If it is true that phone, computer, and television screens are not helpful for a child's cognitive development, we can't just blame technology .
After all, who introduced the child to the screen? Who gave him permission to spend all his time in front of his phone? Hmm... these are some questions to think about. On the other hand, we can clearly say that the new generations differ greatly from the old ones. Education has become more permissive, children become kings.
As if there was no longer any parental authority in the house. We strive to be friends for our children, forgetting that what they need is not friends.

?who is in Charge
Eventually, they can make friends at nursery school or school. However, what they need is a father and a mother to guide them on the path they should take.
Unfortunately, if parenting today is very different, it is simply because parents do not have enough time to devote to their children.
Generally speaking, in the past, women would stay at home to take care of their children, while today's married couples go to work.
How To Teach Our Children Good Behavior And Get Rid Of Rude Behavior In A Week 6102
The nature of life has become very expensive and fast. We are restricted by work and responsibilities, duties and preparing food and we do not have enough time to rest and talk with our children.
Things are going very fast. And we're too tired to see what's wrong with giving our child the phone for 30 minutes so we can rest a bit.
However, this 30 minutes can sometimes reach several hours. And when it's time to take the phone from the kid, chaos ensues.
Shouting, crying and tantrums replace the calm that prevailed a few minutes ago. So, how can you deal with the lack of discipline and hysteria in your child?
Besides limiting your child's screen time, what can you change in your habits?
Here are 7 golden tips that will help you teach the child to behave and reduce your child's rude and violent behavior
1. Be positive
Supporting children and highlighting the activities they excel in is very important to build their self-confidence. It is also very important for them to feel understood and appreciated.
So when your child succeeds in doing something, show him that you are proud of it. For example, when he writes his name for the first time or sets the table.
If you have several children, encourage brothers and sisters to cooperate and support each other. Thanks to this, you will provide an appropriate environment in which each of your children feels safe and supported. Likewise, when you are not there to praise one of your children's success, his brother or sister will do so.
2. Understanding is the first method of discipline
Your children's misbehavior is not unreasonable. The feelings that drive them to break something or to hit their younger brother are caused by something earlier. Listen to why they are doing this, understand their motives and tell them that they have a right to feel angry and sad. But let them know that this behavior, especially violence, is unacceptable, and that it must be punished.
If you are not sure why your child is misbehaving, ask him some questions. Try to keep the conversation calm. Explain to him that he should be punished for misbehaving, and that he should make an effort not to behave in this way.
Stay tuned for the next article: the other five golden tips.