An open letter to the Summer University
An open letter to the Summer University 296 
to begin with; It should be noted that this message does not address persons, offices, individuals or groups, and is not directed at them. As far as it addresses that "historical spirit" represented by a moral figure named "Summer University of Agadir", this symbolic king of all the Amazighs of the world, and the Amazighs of Morocco in particular, is the meaning because the university is the common property of all.
The Summer University, which emerged from the core of intellectual suffering and from under the ashes of the years of lead, from behind the siege fenced with iron and thick thorns in which the Amazigh mind was shackled, and the rest of the philosophical, cultural and existential questions emanating from it, and announced itself in the year 1980 as a beacon of thought and mental question about Amazigh identity and culture When the sound of bullets was ringing in “Tizi Ouzou” as a result of the ban on an intellectual lecture by Mouloud Maamari by the Algerian regime, it sparked a historical popular uprising that marked the contemporary Amazigh renaissance in the world, which is known as “Tafsut Imazgen”, whose memory is renewed and remembered every year.As long as the summer university also carried the torch of identity, existence, history and the future, it was also not spared from prevention and oppression by the Moroccan regime, and its activity attended for a not short period, which delayed its emergence into existence for several years, and it conceals its intellectual anxiety and carries in its bosom a major slogan that has become today the railway The real solid upon which the country and the people walk in complete safety and peace, which is "Unity in Diversity", which was the slogan of the first session of the Summer University.
Since the late eighties of the last century, the Summer University has devoted all its capabilities, prestige and balance to the intellectual, theoretical and organizational question, and it has been a real intellectual and philosophical pilgrimage to which thinkers, researchers, experts, lawyers, professors and students from all parts of Morocco bring their papers, ideas and positions, discuss and argue, disagree and agree. Theoretical, intellectual and political aspects of the Amazigh movement from different sides, and those discussions and intellectual sessions were the first spread of the Amazigh discourse.
In the same year 1991, the largest popular march in Morocco was organized in which more than a million participants participated, against the background of the outbreak of the Gulf War. The East is in everything, to the point where it is difficult to speak in Tamazight, let alone declare its defense. In the midst of this cultural wandering and cultural alienation, a group of Amazigh thinkers, intellectuals and jurists gathered in the city of Agadir, which was hosted by the Summer University. In it, for the first time, it was mentioned that the constitutional recognition of the Amazigh language in Morocco was necessary. This was achieved 20 years after the issuance of that charter.
We mention this, to acknowledge what the Summer University has done in the history of the Amazigh, and to show that it has become a collective and joint property of them without exception. Unfortunately, this university was established to be a space for open and free dialogue and discussion to draw the horizon of the Amazigh struggle and develop its intellectual, theoretical and political discourse, at a time when the Souss side did not yet have a university, unfortunately in recent years it has been subjected to something like piracy. And it turned from an open university that questioned thought, reason and theorizing, to a mere rigid structure that is very similar to party planning agencies, receiving support from donor institutions and disposing it within hotels classified on the sidelines of a music festival whose financing is highly ambiguous. A research paper to contribute to the discussion and intellectual debate. This made this framework engulfed in internal conflicts due to suspicions of disbursing funds.
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More seriously, when it became clear that this collective property of the Amazighs has in some way become a small feather from under the wing of an administrative party that moves when the winds blow, and its birds race with pigeons that are driven to the cities by planes to polish the image of a party that has nothing to do with Amazigh or Amazigh discourse, Except for charitable and generous money.
In order to preserve the summer university and its history, and in the hope of restoring its intellectual, theoretical and political orientation, it is time for the university to get rid of this absurdity that leads it towards the unknown, towards loss more than it is now from loss, it is time to give the torch to the independent Amazigh youth who only cares about it The question of thought and the fate of the issue, young people burned by the idea and worried about the curves of analysis and theorizing, and disturbed by the approach and the position, they are located in the distances in which they must be located, they keep the lines of opposition, honest youth who do not pant to congratulate the leader of a party who won in fake political battles...
It is time for the summer university to be an intellectual and dialogue platform to chart the strategic horizon for Amazigh, a movement and a cause, not for a summer university that bury its history and scatter the Amazigh path, no for a university that revolves around zero during each summer.
Will the summer university hear this call, get rid of its rigid reality, and let itself re-emerge without turning or turning....